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Saturday, August 4, 2007

The India and the U.S tango!

With the nuclear bill now more sure than ever before the tango between the the worlds oldest and the largest democracies has surely began.the United States is now doing its best to wedge open the door to the indian markets for the american companies all in the name of cooperation and the United States for its part is now looking into the tariffs it currently imposes on Indian imports to the United States if you are in the United States,you should not be all that surprised if the prices of the curry leaves were to go down.
But the long term goals of the United States is all to clear,with the nuclear deal now almost a certainity,the United States is doing all it can to contain not just Iran[that is a perk rather than a goal] but rather to make sure that not only does it become a very close allay of the next superpower but at the sme time it is making sure that it contains China effectively.almost all thinktanks agree that within the next decade or so,there will be two new superpowers with huge economies far surparssing that of both Europe and the United States,they are both India and China.
the United States is okay with India being a superpower since it is a democracy but when it comes to China,that is a totally different cup of tea.
I am pretty sure that the chinese thinktanks would have come to the same comclusion that it is being contained slowly but effectively by the United States.which is why all of a sudden,China is acting hostile to India vis-a-vis the Indo-china border in Sikkim.just the day before yesterday,the chinese issued a statement of sorts warning the Indians to remove their bunkers or else...that tone itself should convey seems that the chinese must have got an advance copy of the 123 agreement before the public did and they were none to happy to see that India will become in effect a Nuclear power without all the legal trappings that being a part of the muclear powers club entails initself.of course,China would love to get coasy with India and make sure that the power and the reign that the UniteD States seems to enjoy the world over is brought to a screeching halt.the Russians would like that to happen for their own reasons.the future does hold some intresting times for us,but either way we look at it,the tango between India and the United States is turning into a quatret of sorts with all sorts of bed partners!

india,united states,russia,china,politics,

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