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Thursday, December 27, 2007

The calculator!

This site is a must need for every poker player out there, I thought that this was just another poker product and how good can this be? Guess what, it is not just as good as it says but even better. For one, the poker calculator is just fantastic and i have to say that this is indeed one of the best 'poker buddies' that I have come across online so far.
The neat thing about this calculator is that it spells out the odds for you correctly and gives you valuable advice as far as the game goes. With this calculator, one can get the best poker odds. So if you are one of those poker players who needs that extra edge then you need the holdem calculator to give you that extra edge!

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Should we all give more?

This is the query that we must have asked ourselves quite often. Should we all gove more? Why should we give and what for? For one, I believe very strongy that it is not enough that we should only think of ourselves but also of others. And I have to say that whenever I make a donation to a charity or any other charity, I get this feelig of good in me that one canot just replicate by doing anything else. So I hope that all of you who do read this post, do make an all out attempt to give some thing back to society, if not money, then how about your time?
Anyway, Boatangel is a well known organisation that goes out of its way to bring out the best in all of us, irrespective of where we may be from or who we are. Boatangel accepts donations and on that nore, you can Donate Boat. They are organising this collection to which nearly anyone and everyone can contribute to, mainly for the prupose of creating and distributing absolutely free of charge (even free shipping) Children's Christian Animations on DVDs.
The neat thing about this is that the Children's Animation DVDS can be sent to you on request, with no shipping charge whatsoever. Boatangel has been involved in many projects over the time from dealing with troubled teens to addictions. You cna say that they believe in giving themselves up for the sake of giving. Just check out the links above and feel free to Donate my Boat.

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One survivor from the panama plane crash!

This is indeed a Christmas miracle and it truly is that in more ways than one. Can you imagine being on a plane and falling down thousands of miles and by sheer luck, you end up surviving. The fact is that she was hurt in the accident that killed all the others in her plane and by some chance she not only managed to survive the accident but also managed to remain alive for two days before the rescue workers reached her.

It just goes to show you how truly remarkable the human spirit is, it can endure untold hardship and yet, come out of it all on the top, breathing fine. Of course, the girl does not remember much and even if she did, she would be traumatised. Her recovery is going to take some time but she seems and sounds all fine, at least what they telecast on the news channels showed that. For her parents, it must seem like they have got a miracle on their hands, after all it is not every day that one manages to survive a fall from the clouds.

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The guide to a medical career!

These days, the Field of medicine is getting more and more competitive as more and more people enter into medical programs. Today it is not just enough that one gets an admission to a medical program but rather which college does one get admission to? With so many medical assistant schools that are out there, this question becomes harder and harder to answer than ever before.
For every student, the hardest time is always the time just after graduation from grad school and the one before acceptance to a highly respected university. When it comes to a medical career, there are so many factors that have a say in our decision. Like I said earlier before, it is often a headache just to choose the right school as this would have a huge impact on our medical career as such. With all the medical assistant training programs that one can choose from, one should consider all the factors very well.
As such, this site does much more than just point us in the right direction. It shows us the various careers that are available in the field of medicine today. It is like the online guidance counsellor that one always needs. With all the factors listed in this site correctly and the various universities and colleges offering all those courses, it is any wonder that with this site that we would not have any problem in choosing the right program amongst all the medical assistant programs that is available today!

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Tsunami anniversary!

The anniversary of the big wave has come and gone and the people are still yet to regain their confidence, which they lost in that wave, three years ago to this day.
The government has made a lot of promises and not much has come out of that. They have installed an early warning device and all that but what about the promises about their livelihood?

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The chat line!

This is the day and the age of the Internet and almost anything and everything that we want to do these days can be done through technology. I for one am glad that Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone did what he did. Because of this invention and this company, now we can use the chat lines to talk as long as we want to.
This site actually helps us to overcome our shortcomings as far as communication goes. Some of us are a bit shy and as such we would not go out of our way to talk to strangers, but now with this site, we can not only overcome our shortcomings but end up making new friends as well. The phone chat is slowly but surely transforming our lives and in a very positive way at that. The best part is that it is all free chat, that is as long as the people we talk to are local. And in addition to chatting we can also leave messages for other prospective 'chatters' to find, so all in all, it is a neat way to find new friends!

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Bush gets more for Iraq!

At the end of the struggle, president Bush finally got his way with the congress approving nearly 70 billion$ for his Iraq campaign. I am not here to say whether the war was right or not, but the fact of the matter is that the Americans are in control of Iraq now and any lack of funds at this crucial stage may impact in a negative way on the development of Iraq as a whole.
We all know what the lack of funds will do, for one it may result in the temporary withdrawal of the U.S forces and once that happens, the whole of Iraq will explode under sectarian war, causing more innocents to shed blood. I think that although Bush should have not started this war, what the democrats are doing, that is holding the very existence of Iraq hostage to their whims is unconscionable.

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The Forturo solution!


Every business needs a helping hand now and then, and as such the business management software offered by this company is one of the best. From what I have seen, the site is well designed and very easy to access, all of the features are clearly listed and they are all meant to increase the Business efficiency of any small to medium business that are out there.
This is the age of the Internet and as such, every small to medium business needs to optimise in order to be efficient. This site is there to do just that, it helps all the small to medium business to optimise and to run their business solutions effectively. Lets not forget that this is indeed a 'dog eat dog' world and the competition is really ruthless at the best. In order to succeed at ones business, one needs to have the perfect business model and this is where Forturo comes in. The business solutions that they offer are adaptable right away and the results of adapting to the Forturo solution can be seen right away. So if you want to have that extra edge over your competition then this is the place to come to!

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Cheney in hot flames!

Today, vice president Dick Cheney's office caught on fire and they had to evacuate the entire building. Cheney was with the president when this happened and I wonder what whet through his head when he learnt that his office was on fire. At least, he did not have his gun with him at that time, so he could not shoot anyone by accident this time around. So it seems that Cheney may have to look for a new office for the time being,I guess there is some truth in that saying 'play with fire, you will get burnt by it'.

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

The game of fun and online backgammon!

Can all games be so fun filled as this one, I seriously doubt that. What am I talking about, I am talking about the game of backgammon. We all know what this game is all about and I have to say that when I compare this game to all the others, this one is by far the best in my opinion. Now days we get to play this game online and the online backgammon is as much fun as the real thing and if it is possible, even more fun.
This site in particular is devoted entirely to this game and is well designed and easy to use. You can play the backgammon online here for free or for real money, it is up to you. But what ever you choose, I am sure that you will have truck loads of fun. So if you are looking to relax, then this is the place to come to!

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Monday, December 10, 2007

The Russian bear tightens its grip!

Putin may no longer be the president but as the prime minister he is busy consolidating his support and at the same time by picking out his successor, Dmitry Medvedev he has shown the world as to who is going to be real power in Russia. Russian politics from the time of Ivan the terrible has always been conducted behind an Iron curtain, that is the rest of the world only gets to hear of the deed much, much later.
The extent of Putin's power could be seen in the elections held recently in Kremlin. His opponents were given no quarter and everything was neatly arranged in such a way that there could be only one outcome in this election and that was the election of Putin as the prime minister of Russia.

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Need a hand with the finances?


At times like this, especially with the holidays fast approaching us, and with the holiday expenses looming rather large this year, we may all need a hand with our finances as such. With increased taxation and with the falling dollar and the credit crunch, it has become a whole lot more difficult to get a loan from the bank these days.
It is great that we have other venues to approach for Loans and as such, this company is one of the best in the sense that they go out of their way to protect your privacy. Since we do not want all our friends to hear that we got a loan to tide over our holiday expenses, this 'privacy' part has become a whole lot more important to me as such. Here, you can get Unsecured Personal Loans and once your application is approved, which by the way only takes a moment, the money gets deposited into your checking account right away. That is fast, especially when you think as to how long the banks took to approve even your bank account application!
The Pay Day Loan are fast becoming an alternative source of money to help us tide over our immediate financial needs and the banks are losing out and with good reason. This company approves your loan application really quickly,provides all the service that you would ever need in a jiffy and the most important thing of all, it protects your need for privacy!

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Cheap politics and gun control!

At times when there has been a news of a disaster or something of that kind, one would expect that all the politicians would all come together and lend support to the local community that has been affected. But all that they do is to gather the victims around them and give very long winded speeches and make it sound as though their rivals are to blame for the entire thing.
This is totally deplorable and yes, I know that the elections for the U.S president is just around the corner and even that does not excuse the kind of ugly behaviour shown by both the democrats and the republicans in the recent speeches in view of the latest shooting spree that took place recently!

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Spanish way!

If you speak in Spanish and do not know much English to help you along and you are in the united states and would like to travel, can you imagine the difficulty that you would have coordinating the trip with most of the travel agencies? For one not all of them can understand a word that you will speak thereby making the whole process a nightmare from start to finish.
That is what was the case at least until now. With descuento en hoteles, the whole experience becomes very easy for the Spanish speaking people residing in the United states, you need no longer spend countless hours over the phone just trying to clarify your travelling details. Here, not only can they understand you perfectly they also have round the clock customer service. So if you want to travel and need to book your tickets, just go to the links above and the rest is all easy!

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Iran still very much a threat - U.S!

It seems that after all that was said and done, the United states still believes Iran to be very much threat and that they still believe in going ahead with the missile defense shield plans. The baggage of past relations is one that Henry Kissinger would probably understand the best of all of us, for none more than he would know how history can have this resounding effect on relations for decades to come.
Look at South Korea and North Korea, technically they are still supposed to be at war, and that was over 50 years ago, so record wise that may be the longest war that has ever been fought in the modern history of man, not counting the 100 years war. One can only hope that both Iran and the United states find some peaceful way of resolving their issues!

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Iran: The report that never was!

Iran seems to be more in the news these days and not for all the right reasons. The latest round in the Iran-U.S war of the meek seems to have ended in the favor of Iran. The leakage of the intelligence report telling one and all that Iran seems to have halted its nuclear weapons program way back in 2003 is not all that surprising to those who know the Iranians well. For those who do know the Iranians well, know that they have this inherent tactic for survival and that they will never take the foolhardy path of Saddam Hussein. They well know that to take that path will only lead to total and utter destruction on all sides and that it is indeed better to live and let live. On that thought, did you know that the ancient school of philosophy can be traced back to Iran and that it is in Iran that it had its roots and not in Greece as many think so!

This intelligence report has come at a time that the United states is going hammer and tongs at getting even more sanctions against Iran approved by the Security council. For one, this report does make things a little bit difficult for the United states to push for even more tougher sanctions. And anyone can see that to most Americans today, Iran and its hardliners still represent a threat not because of their religion or the fact that Iran thinks that Israel does not exist, but for the fact that many Americans were taken hostage during the Iranian revolution. What irks the Americans to this day is the fact that many Americans were taken hostage in the American embassy in Teheran. This baggage is one of the main reasons why America today finds it so difficult to even get along with Iran. The past is in the past and that is easier said than done, but it is high time that both these countries realise that there is nothing to be gained by holding onto past grudges. They should really take a page from the India-Pakistan book, the whole world knows the legendary rivalry between those two and today, they are not against each other, at least not the way that they were in the 1970's. They have matured and come a long way since then.

One thing is for sure, the other countries can breath a sigh of relief as they know that the United states would not be pressing that hard for sanctions this time around and that the Nuclear watchdog and mr.ElBaradei can go about their job and make sure that Iran has indeed complied with the IAEA rules and that Iran is only involved in fuel enrichment for peaceful purposes!

Iran,United States,India,Pakistan,iaea,nuclear,


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The Credit search engine!

In this day and age we are overwhelmed by the number of credit cards that are out there. Often we do not know which one to choose and which one to subscribe to. In the end we are often confused by the many offers and rewards that each and every card gives to its clients. And now that need not be the case any longer. With the credit card search engines, sorting through all the Fair Credit Credit Cards has become so much easier.
Now as a result of this search engine, we can sort through all the layers of enticing rewards and offers that each and every credit card makes to us and choose the one that makes the most sense, from our point of view. For me, the selling point would always be the lowest rate of interest as I am sure that will be the case with most of us. Here, this site features offers from leading U.S Credit Card issuers such as J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citibank and leading brands Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card, and we can use this search engine feature to sort through them all and pick the one that we think would be the best for us!

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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Dynamite,Clinton, Crazy and a Hostage crisis?

The title of this post alone should make the situation clear to all of us, one may even think that the title is a dressing for some mundane story but the sad part or the funny part is that it is all too true and that all of it had really happened.
All of this went down in ROCHESTER, N.H. The hostage taker was a man called Leeland Eisenberg. This person had been in trouble before with the law and just three days ago his wife had filed for divorce and that seems to have been the very last straw for Leeland. Normally in order to deal with the emotional issues regarding divorce or any other family issues we would go to see a psychiatrist. Since the united states does provide some form of health care to all its citizens, Leeland could have taken that and avoided doing what he did.
But Leeland is a person who does things differently, he went ahead and strapped some road flares to himself,made it look like a dynamite,walked to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign offices, and decided to hold the people there hostage. He, I believe wanted to talk to Hilary about getting some form of medical help for himself. Talk about the crazy wanting to talk to another crazy about being crazy, That is not a pun because that is how it sounded to me. Anyway he later released all the hostages and surrendered himself. This is one campaign that Hilary is not going to forget anytime soon!

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Are you single? want a promotion?

It is that time of the year when we Single men try to meet up and date some of the 'pretty women' that we do meet. That is easier said than done, since most of us end up becoming nervous wrecks the very firs time we end up talking to one. Each and every one of us have a very particular idea as to who we would want to date, it may be JLo or Angelian Jolie or someone like that...right? Apart from joking the one thing that most single men have in common is that they just do not know how to date leave alone to hold a proper conversation with one of them, it is time we all face the fact that we do need a dating coach.

Is this for real, can there be a dating coach available? Yes, to both of those queries, this site provides us with all the information that we would need in order to go out on a successful date. Each and every one of us may have to polish our rough edges so that we can be considered as the 'right material' by the women of this world. It is going to take a lot of effort on our part, but believe me, when I say that with this site, we can get there. i often found that the hardest part of holding a conversation with a woman was knowing what to talk about, since the one thing that we men all love to talk about is sports. Until and unless, the woman in question is a sports enthusiast like us, forget talking about that. Here at this site, there are some really great conversation starters which we can utilise.

Once we have started to get the ball rolling, the rest should be easy especially with all the tips that this site has. The one place that we can meet some really eligible women is at one of these singles events. The fun part of the whole thing is that we get to meet up with everyone and in the end we end up choosing the person that we are most compatible with. So if you want someone to really help you with dating, then this is the site to go to, just click on the links above and have fun!

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Reserve or not to reserve!

To reserve or not to reserve is the query that we often have to face as we travel and this is all the more true if we are travelling overseas. The problem of the language barrier is the one that often trips up most of our well laid plans as far as travel goes. Which is why I for one am glad that there is a company like this one here, where we can book our Hotel Reservations in the language that most of us are comfortable with, that is the Queen's language, English. What is more since we will be doing all our reservations in our language, we can be sure that our reservations will be secure. Just go to the link above for making all of your travel arrangements, that is what I did when I had to travel to Marrakesh. I have to say that I was very pleasantly surprised by the fact that all of my needs which I had earlier conveyed to these guys were all taken care of!

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Medical equipment on the net !

I have seen many companies offering one thing or the other but none have offered medical equipment,life enhancing health care products and many more as effectively as this one does. Allegro medicals has grown from a online retailer for medical equipment and home health care supplies to today to become one of the largest retailers to include all of the above and so much more. Today, they also offer other mainstream retail products in their shops as well. I have to say that my first visit to this online bazaar was something out of this world altogether, with so many products and so many offers, I did not know what to choose first.
They have some 55,000 products, under 50 categories and hundreds of sub-categories, and you get to shop by category and sub category. Is that not just fantastic? And all of this is available online, so you can just go to the link above and fill up your shopping cart and the rest is history!

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Sharif back in town!

Sharif has landed in Pakistan today amid a heroes reception and it was a jubilant return for this ex-prime minister, indeed. The last time he returned, Pakistan and by that I mean President elect[alleged] Musharraf had him deported back to Riyadh and Sharif had to leave Pakistan in tears and disappointment. But this time around, there was no deportation and Sharif was allowed to enter Pakistan.
The query that is doing the rounds is why on earth did Musharraf make the situation even more dicey for him and his regime? The answer lies in the saying,' keep your friends close, but keep your enemies even closer'. With both Sharif and Bhutto in Pakistan, Musharraf will be keenly watching the two of them to see if they cause any infractions with the machinery of the law in Pakistan. And if they do so, that is all Musharraf will need top take action against the two of them. Many say that Musharraf has allowed Sharif to reenter Paksitan and that he could not forever keep Sharif out of there forever. This way at least Musharraf will know what Sharif is up to every minute of the day and if he steps out of line, then Musharraf will have all the cause he needs to wipe out Shairf once and for all!

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Friday, November 23, 2007

The Internet and the personal research!

In this world that is so busy all the time and we often do not have time for anything else besides our work, the Internet has indeed come into being as the most powerful tool. It really does not matter what field of work you undertake, because whatever you do, you will find that the Internet is involved in it to some extent or the other. We all love our big giant screen plasma tv's right? Before purchasing one, we normally search for the product online and generally since it is a biggie purchase on our part,we generally go to the store and see the product and buy it for ourselves.
Here again the Internet has come into being, by making this entire shopping and sorting process quite easy for us. What am I talking about? Well there is this online search engine called Krillion. What this search engine does is that it searches the Krillion database and gives us the pricing,the product and most importantly the location of the store nearest to us where we can get this product.
With Krillion and the Internet, life has certainly been made much more easier for us, has it not? So the next time you want to purchase a pioneer 50 inch LCD just go to Krillion for the location of the store nearest to you. This is just one small example of the power of the Internet!

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Bombs blast Baghdad once again!

This time around the bomb blasts took place in a pet market and at a central police checkpoint in Mosul. These blasts have only made it clear that the militancy in Iraq is far from over and the recent warnings by the U.S commanders not to take things easy and and not to be complacent as far as the militants are concerned seem only too true.
My query is 'What on earth is the Baghdad government doing about this?" .Today's bombings have already taken 26 lives and unless and until all the leaders in Iraq come together there will be no peace in Iraq, a militant will either be blowing himself up or there will always be some sort of sectarianism taking place. The Baghdad government needs to realise that in order to lead one should be prepared to make sacrifice!

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Jellyfish swarm sends the scots berserk!

The Jellyfish have started to swarm off the shores of Scotland pushing the panic button in many a Scottish fisherman.They have already managed to wipe out Northern Ireland's only Salmon farm, so their impact on the Scots fisheries dept would not be minimal at the very least.
These Jellyfish are baby ones and not the large ones but they are still highly toxic to us. So any contact with these would result in horrible pain and may even result in fatality in old people as they would have weak immune system. Either way, the people of Scotland have been asked not to venture into the sea for some time to come. This Jellyfish swarm is highly unusual in Scotland and could be there as a result of the freakish weather that we have all experienced of late!

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cappella serves the foreign students well!

Capella, the premier online university serves its foreign students quite well.It has indeed made the dream of many a foreign student come alive,now they can take in the quality education that is offered by Capella without having to traverse thousands of miles to do so, they can do it from the luxury of their lodgings.
capella university offers many graduate and undergraduate degrees online, and it specialises in the business, information technology, education and many more .Capella offers 104 graduate and undergraduate specializations and 15 certificate programs as well. Mot of the foreign students often face this hurdle of financing their trip to the U.S and the hurdle of getting a visa to go there. But with Capella, most of these hurdles are taken care of. One can even say that Capella has opened the doors of quality education to the whole wide world! So to know more, just click on the link above and the rest is history!

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The Titanic redux in Antartica!

By now I think that most of us must have seen that movie 'Titanic' and today a replay of that happened in the seas off Antarctica. A Canadian cruise ship struck submerged ice and immediately a hole the size of one's fist appeared on the hull and the ship began taking water. Since the ship was listing dangerously the call to 'abandon ship' was given and all the passengers and the crew managed to get safely into the lifeboats and were later rescued.
On inquiry, the passengers said that the only hassle they had was the freezing temperatures and that the whole incident caused them no bodily harm whatsoever. This has certainly been like the case of the Titanic and I am sure that the same thought must have run into the crew's head as they heard that the ship was sinking.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Police planning to attack the refugees in Darfur!

Darfur has seen many a bloody battle of late between the police and armed militants on one side and the unarmed refugees on the other. It is indeed a shame that the United nations and the rest of the world is hesitating to take aggressive action when it is most needed at places like Darfur. Instead of worrying about Iran and Iraq and the rest of the Middle east, maybe it is high time not to think but to act as far as Darfur is concerned. The government in Sudan is playing the African union and the other leaders by asking for time while it undertakes continual elimination of the refugees in Darfur.

What makes this whole situation sad is that these people are kids,women and old men and as such they neither have the arms or the strength to fight the police and the armed militants at the same time. What is more the Police at Darfur often undertake raids into the refugee camps under one pretext or the other and what ensues is often cold blooded assault as well as murder of the unarmed refugees. Since the African union does not have the courage to step in and prevent this massacre then it is up to the United nations as well as to the other countries to do something about this!

darfur,sudan,african union,united nations,


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Want to lose some steam?

There are many ways to lost that extra bit of stress that we have accumulated by the end of a working day. One of my favorite ways to relax is to play a game of slots at this site. I have to say that I have been to many sites that offer many varieties of slot machines online but none as many as this one. Here the expression online slots take on a whole new meaning itself.
One would have to say that it is almost like one is at 'Slot heaven' here at this site. With so many varieties to choose from, often the dilemma of choosing which slot to play becomes all too apparent.The slot machine takes the center stage here and the rest follows. The technical support that one gets at this site is just fantastic with all of your requests and queries regarding the slot machines being answered right away. So how about a game of slots, then?

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Bush pushing for glory, Israel and Palestine under the scanner!

Bush is doing all that he can to make sure that his administration ends with a legacy of some kind other than the Iraq war. Of course, the real kitty that he wants in the bag deaparately is the India nuclear deal which as a result of domestic policies in India, seems to be far from becoming a reality under the current administration's term in office. That said, Bush and Condi have started pusing all out for a Mideast deal of peace of sorts, but I am sure that any such deal that is realised will not stand for long, as the state fo Palestine itself is a dived state right now. With both Fatah and Hamas on opposite sides, any deal that is borkered by the United states with one of them is bound to aggravate the status quo between the camps of the Fatah and the Hamas.

The middle east question has always been a trickly one since time immemorial as history stands witness to that. But ever since the dissolution of Palestine and the creation of Israel, this has become alarmingly a threshold point that seems to go off not rarely but all too often.

All it needs is for one small event to throw the entire Middle east in turmoil, like the accidental shooting of a young palestinian by the Israeli forces or the suicide bombing like the one at Nahariya train station in northern Israel. Getting a concrete result from the Middle east is easier said than done, many better people than Bush and Condi had tried and they all have failed. I wish the best for Bush and hope that he does manage to secure peace in the Middle east but one should always carry a ton of salt with one whenever it comes to the Middle east!

United states,Palestine,Israel,middle east,fatah,hamas,


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3 Secrets to save at Amazon!

Amazin' Amazon! That is what this is all about, often we all tend to think of Amazon as one huge bookstore and nothing more. We would be wrong to think that, of course you do get books at Amazon, but these days you get a whole lot more than that from books,toys,gifts, music,movies and electronic items. You also can get lifestyle products,groceries,Home ec and a whole lot more. Lets just say that at Amazon, you can get everything for anything! That is right, here with this site and the products that they offer, you can do just that!
With the holidays almost on us, it is time for us to get shopping, right? And with the help of this site, we should be able to save bundles, well, at least more than we would have originally. Here at this site, it offers us great ideas as to how we can save money by shopping at Amazon, the one place for everything.
Amazon has great coupons but quite often the trick is to finding out the coupons itself,here at this site there is a list of fantastic Amazon coupons with the coupon code. That should start us off on the journey of saving money. These coupons are for everything from Amazon books to magazines to grocery items.
Then we have this fantastic tool here at this site, which searches Amazon for great discounts,price reductions of the 'never seen before' kind and unbelievable discounts.
I guess it is all a matter of searching in the right place, right? And we have come to the right place, with this tool we should be able to utilise the secret Amazon discounts and save some more.
With all the focus on shopping, we often tend to forget the savings that we can make with gift certificates, and at this site, we can see a list of discount Amazon gift certificates that are available at Amazon. So what are you waiting for? Click on the links and start your shopping!

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The U.S,Iran and Iraq!

This is indeed a quixotic situation of sorts for the Untied states, to be talking Iraq to Iran. Iran is slowly but surely increasing its influence in Iraq and there does not seem to be much that the United states can do about it. The United states realise that in order to have a stable Iraq, Iran's inputs does not only become necessary but all too essential. With the violence in Iraq having come down a notch, the government of Iraq as well as the security forces are looking for ways to press ahead their advantage and see if they can bring about a stable Iraq sooner than later. But with both the United states and Iran suffering from a trust deficit, it is only a matter of days before this latest round of talks fail as well. But that does not mean the end of the road, the journey for the Untied states-iran convoy has just began and it is a very rocky road, but there is so many miles to cover, can they overcome their hostilities and carry on?

United states,iran,iraq,peace,


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The Supreme court may say 'No' to guns!

In a case that will have a very large impact on the American society at large, the Supreme court is to decide whether D.C can ban handguns. American has one of the largest number of gun fatalities every single year and in my opinion it is because the guns are so easily available that teenagers can walk in to a gun shop with fake id and purchase guns and ammunition's.
It is one thing to say that the right to bear arms is enshrined in the constitution but when that very right allows young teenagers to blow off steam by shooting other innocent students and teachers to death, questions on its necessity are raised, Do we need this law at all? The right to bear arms is all fine but what about the innocent students who have lost their lives because of this asinine law? What can you tell the moms of the shot school children, that it is okay to use guns and shoot others? how will you feel if your child was shot and all because the government failed to ban guns? These are the questions that we should ask ourselves and amongst the most important of them all is this one,' do we need guns'?

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The list that can sell your product!

We all need all the help we can get to sell/market our product and services in this world. With everyone doing just about anything to market their product and services, can we afford to take it easy? The answer to that question is a very loud resounding 'No'. This is where Martin worldwide comes in with their product, ResponseCom™.This product is a proprietary blend of U.S. Response and U.S Consumer databases, a very potent marketing tool that can not just sell your product for you but it will literally push yours off the shelves onto the customers hands.
Just imagine a list which can be customised according to your needs, a list of people who respond to ads, who respond to direct mails, who respond to marketing phone calls, these are the people that have not been tapped. In short, with Martin worldwide and their Mailing Lists, your product will be literally flying off the shelves. So it is just a matter of how badly do you want to succeed? Since the answer to that query is obvious, just click on the link above and come right on in!

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Bangladesh still felling the impact of Sidr!

Many a village has totally disappeared and the people are missing, the rescue crew is yet to reach some parts of the flooded Bangladesh. The agencies fear that the count of fatalities due to cyclone Sidr will in all probability go up. To say that the local administration was totally unprepared for Sidr would not be incorrect at all.
They should have done more and at the very least evacuated entire villages with a mandatory order. Bangladesh gets flooded even with a little rain but with Sidr, a strong cyclne, it is no wonder that some villages have gone totally missing. I earnestly hope that Bangladesh does not have to deal with another Sidr anytime soon!

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'Emergency is for your own good', says Musharraf!

At first there is the denial, then acceptance and then there is the outright demand for a crown... at least the Musharraf and the Pakistani saga seems to be fast heading in that direction. We have our ever loved dictator who of late seems to have taken 'general Zia' lessons and for those of you who can recall the past, Zia took command over the entire country with the same words, it is all for the good and benefit of Pakistan. The same thing here but those words will just no longer sail. The sad truth is that India and some of the other like minded countries with their respective think- tanks had already informed the west that all trends show that Musharraf will follow in Zia's footsteps and asked the west to take action to see that it does not happen.

But the west ignored India and ASEAN's warning and now it is too late. Even a school kid can tell you that Musharraf is playing the Americans for all they are worth and they just cannot bring themselves to the reality that Musharraf has indeed become a dictator at last. With the last vestiges of democracy stripped away from Pakistan with the dissolution of the Pakistani assembly on the 15th of November, the general has indeed stretched his hand all over the Pakistani plains. With Bhutto fast becoming the face of the opposition, will the Americans step in to make sense of the whole picture? Will they be able to rein in the rogue general who has made a dish out of the constitution of Pakistan? The common opinion is that even they cannot do much right now.

But Musharraf as much as he may like to think that he has absolute authority must realise by now that the people of Pakistan as well as the rest of the world will not be patient with him for long. The emergency has to go but Musharraf is biding his time to make sure that who ever comes to office does not prosecute him or hold him guilty for this emergency, in short Musharraf would preferably want a carte blanche'.
The Musharraf reign seems to get more bizarre by the day, he bought 2 television channels on air only to take two other ones off air, and he also managed to make the United kingdom government shut down Geo tv as well. Now we have this interview with the BBC which Musharraf gave on Saturday, in which he had indicated that he will probably have a very large say in who will get elected in the so called elections, that his emergency will in all probability get extended far beyond the elections, that he has nuclear weapons and may resort to nuclear blackmail should the need arise and last but not least, he knows what is good for everyone so they should stop objecting to his reign!
Need I say more?



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Do not buy a Lemon, get an Orange!

When you are buying a car, do not go out and get the most flashy car in the lot, because when you do that, chances are that you would have bought yourself a lemon and all that is good for is a lemonade. Buying a car that really works according to your expectations is like finding a needle in the haystack. Most of the car dealers know their business and would do just about anything to push off a lemon car to you so you would most definitely want to watch out for that.
Remember that you are the one who is making the purchase with your hard earned dollars and therefore you are the one in control. The many things that one should do before making the actual purchase are all listed below.

1. Do the necessary research on the car and the make, lets say for example that you want to buy a red jaguar like the one that Grace Kelly owned, that would cost a lot, right! But before you hand that cash over, just go online and do some research in that car and its make and whether the customers who had purchased that car were all satisfied with the car, per se. After all when it comes to cars, all is not what it seems and that is the brutal truth of all.

2. According to Attorney Craig Thor Kimmel, of the Lemon Law Firm of Kimmel and Silverman, there is nothing better than the word of mouth, ask the people around you for their takes on whatever cars they have purchased and as to whether they are satisfied? In the end, whether you purchase a SUV, sports car or any other car, it is much much better to do it based on the reviews of the car in question as well as their review of the dealership itself.

3.Remember the MSRP, that is the manufacturers suggested retail price, most of the dealerships will offer you the car at a much lesser price than the MSRP until and unless the car is in great demand. So remember that and do not forget to ask the dealership to reduce the rates, in short, haggle as you have never done so before and believe it or not, you will end up saving thousands of dollars.

4.Go for the test run with the car in question, never, never purchase it without doing this. Unless and until you go for the test run with the car,how will you know that the car is working fine and all that? So it is always a very good idea to take the car out for a test run!

5.No warranty, no purchase is what you should remember when you step into a dealership. Getting a warranty from the dealership will be of no use as that cannot be enforced legally so it will have to be directly from the manufacturer. So remember to ask for that warranty from the manufacturer otherwise you will end up buying a lemon for sure!

6. Remember, you are the customer and as such you have rights and what is more to know more on this, your rights as well as access to cost free legal help just go to Lemon Law and you can have most of your queries answered there. So, remember all that I have posted here before you make that trip to the dealership!

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Friday, November 16, 2007

Sidr blasts away at Bangladesh!

Sidr the cyclone that hit Bangladesh, hit it very hard. The cyclone strengthened just before it made its landfall in Bangladesh. It was expected to hit the Orissa coastline but then it made a sudden turn and headed straight towards the Bangladesh coast. The cyclone was unexpected to be this severe and it literally blew Bangladesh off the map.
Take a look at the satellite image above and you can see for yourself the path of destruction that Sidr created when it landed in Bangladesh. Now Sidr, as the cyclone was named, has moved on to the Indian state of Assam. The destruction along the Bangladeshi coastline is enormous with many villages completely washed away. The red cross has estimated that Sidr must have caused at least 1000 fatalities this time around. The minute that the Cyclone landed in the Bangladeshi coast line, the sea overcame the land and pretty much took everything on it. The thing that one should remember is that Bangladesh is a low lying area with much of the land area below the sea level kind of like Holland. Whenever it rains, even so slightly,Bangladesh gets flooded. Now with rain accompanied with heavy to very heavy gusts of winds, you can imagine the impact that Sidr has had on Bangladesh. Many weather gurus had predicted that as the Global warming increases, the sub tropics will see unusual and destructive weather abnormalities like the Sidr. Maybe it is high time we did something with regard to Global warming and the next time a cyclone is on its way to meet us, lets all just run out of the front door.

Tags: Sidr,Cyclone,Hurricane,India,Bangladesh,weather,

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Monaco, the real deal!

Rare coins even ancient gold coins are a valuable investment opportunity that is made available through Monaco rare coins,part of the Monex family of companies, trusted leaders in hard asset investments for nearly 40 years. Rare coins are exactly that, extremely rare and very very valuable. To give you an idea as to what I am talking about, lets just take a short history trip shall we? If we had a time machine and went back in time to Alexandria during the reign of Cleopatra and Mark Anthony[ we all know that eternal love story] and we would have used some small change minted at that time to purchase some food and other essential stuff. At that time, such coins would be worth exactly what their value was, that is small change. But now,to find a coin, even if it is small change with both Anthony and Cleopatra inscribed in the back of the coin, the value of such a coin would be just priceless!

But today in this dog eat dog world,where nearly everyone is trying to do the other person in, it is very hard to trust someone else to help develop your investment. As far as rare coins go, yes, there are a lot of shady dealers who would cheat you at the drop of the hat. Which is why one should go to established dealers in Rare coins like Monaco and deal through them to develop your investment portfolio in it. Monaco, performs a two way service for its clients they buy as well as sell rare coin portfolios. With Monaco one can be sure of getting the least price that is available for rare coins so that one does not have to spend much to buy that rare coin and the same way through Monaco and its well established contacts all over the world one can be sure of getting the best price for ones collection. Monaco always looks after its clients and makes sure that their interests are well served, by making sure that its clients get the lowest prices in the rare coins market when it comes to buying and the biggest prices when it comes to selling them.

Monaco can help you build a valuable rare coin collection all from scratch and it will be the real deal, that is all the coins in your portfolio will be the real deal and not some made up fake item. Which is why when you are considering buying some rare coins, the people to approach are the Monaco and you could do no better than that. Monaco has access to unlimited resources and has contacts in almost all of the rare coins markets of the world, which they all put to us for their customers benefit. And all of their employees besides being experts in the rare coins are also members of Professional Numismatic Guild . . . the American Numismatic Association . . . Professional Coin Grading Service . . . Numismatic Guarantee Corporation of America . . . The National Silver Dollar Round Table . . . and numerous other numismatic trade organizations. So when you think of Rare coins think, nay, go to the link above and say hello to your rare coin guide and helper, Monaco rare coins!

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Pakistan under the scanner - Negroponte!

Pakistan and its dictator wannabe General Musharraf came under some fresh pressure from its so called ally in the war on terror, the United States. The United states has sent in its deputy secretary John Negroponte to make sure that Musharraf understood that the United states would love to see the constitution restored at the very earliest and that it would not condone his machinations for 'power trip'.
At the very least Musharraf is feeling the pressure which is why shortly after a telephone call from the White house, Musharraf immediately freed Bhutto and other activists from house arrest and also brought back two television channels which he had shut down earlier. The United states is fuming at the turn of events in Pakistan and is sending Negroponte to inform the general that he should not take the support of the United states for granted and that although his help is essential in the war on terror that there is no way that the United states would dilute the values of democracy and turn a blind eye to all that is happening in Pakistan. The United states would like nothing better than to have both Musharraf and Bhutto working together but since both of them have entrenched themselves in their respective positions, it is going to be difficult to make them work together leave alone have them in the same room together. Lets see if Negroponte can deliver as he has promised, would the general realise what is at stake here?

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

The new loan - all ready on the go!

Everyone needs help with their financial affairs now and then, back then at least when we were just young adults we could always ask our parents for some help. But these days with the mantle of responsibility on our shoulders we have to seek out other options other than disturbing our elderly parents. With the holidays coming near with the Thanksgiving on the 22nd or so, we all have to prepare ourselves for the onslaught of friends and relatives, which naturally translates out to purchases.

If we have kids, then our financial situation may get even more strained especially if we consider the fact that children toys are so expensive these days. You may think of selling out your family heirlooms but I can tell you that selling of ones family heirlooms just so that one can have some extra money to tide over the holidays is a very dumb idea. The most viable option as far as getting some cash goes is to get some Payday Loans.

Getting them is so easy and so fast.This site in particular offers the loans for very low interest rates and has a very nice repayment plan. When you go to this site, you will see all the details that you are supposed to enter right away. The amount can be for as little as £80 up to £750. This Cash Advance is processed right away and the money is deposited into your bank account the very next moment.

You can decide on what sort of a repayment plan you prefer, this way you have a certain amount of flexibility regarding repayment of the loan. So the next time you are in a financial jam, think of a Salary Advance or a payday loan. These guys are some of the best in this field and I have to say that they have some of the lowest rates of interest that I have ever seen! So come right on in and see for yourself!

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Autographs, so easy to get them now!

I remember stading in the rain and in a very long Q just so that I could get the autograph of an actress. Well all I got that day for my troubles was a heavy dose of cold and a flu as well. I thought that I could never get the Autograph of her, at least that was what I had thought until now. This site is the best site that is there for getting autographs of the famous and the infamous. Their site is so well designed and there are many categories to choose from.
All you would have to do is to go to the site in question and go to the right category. There you will find all the Autographs of all the famous people that you could ever possibly need. Be it a cine star or a sports star or O.J, whoever it is you can get their autographs here at a fraction of the cost that it would have been available elsewhere. It is one thing to stand in long lines and wait for endless amount of time just so that your idol can spend nanoseconds with you to sign an autograph. But with this site, it is all so easy now, we just go to the site and choose literally whose Signed Photo we want. Then we make the necessary payment and the required signed photo will be in our hands veryt quickly. So whose autograph is it that you want?

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Bhutto versus Musharraf!

These days one does not need to go to a movie to get entertained, all he or she has to do is to see the daily soap on Pakistan, with things seesawing drastically from one end to the other, no one quite knows which end is up anymore. The differences between Bhutto and Musharraf is fast escalating into a war of words, but all said and done they both realise that they may still need each other, one to come into power and the other to retain absolute authority.
With Benazir becoming increasingly belligerent towards Musharraf, being the astute political leader that she is, is looking to push Musharraf towards the oblivion. Whether this would happen is any body's guess. But the Americans are getting increasingly anxious about Musharraf and the Nuclear weapons that Pakistan has, but of course they would rather eat a real crow than admit that much in public. As for the options that are facing the Americans and the rest of the world regarding Musharraf, there are not that many. It seems that Benazir Bhutto is fast becoming the most viable option for the Americans and the rest of the world. And to add to all this, the last vestiges of democracy were stripped away from Pakistan just an hour ago as the Parliament was dissolved! Goodbye democracy, hello general Zia, sorry I meant general Musharraf, but it really does not matter what you call them but they are all the same - Zia and Musharraf!

Technorati tags:Musharraf,Benazir Bhutto,Pakistan,United states,Democracy,

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The college with a difference!

When students think of studying for higher degrees it is only natural that they choose a college with the necessary infrastructure and access to various resources for research needs. As such, this college not only fulfills all of that but much more than that. The library in the campus is so vast that one can even play soccer int it if one wants to, just joking- the soccer part. Anyway this college is located in the heart of Chicago at Illinois so you can call it an Illinois College. Often when overseas students come to the united states to pursue their higher studies, the cultural differences can sometimes, nay, most of the times be quite overwhelming for them.
In that aspect this Chicago College goes out of its way to make its foreign students feel as though they have never left home. This college is famous for its all American hospitality and believe it or not, most of the foreign students became acclimatised to their new college within a matter of a few days itself.
The quality of the education that is available here at this college is unparalleled to any other. The various sports take place on the campus of Westwood quite often. You can say that this college concentrates not just on the academics but on the sports and by that on the overall development of its students. So just to the links above and explore Westwood, you may have found your second home after all!

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

That tender loving care!

For a long while now gay and lesbian relationships hae always been a taboo subject. As a result there are often misconceptions about the same, but this is not about explaining all that but is rather to tell eeryone in the Whole wide world of the Internet that there is now a very good relationahip portal for people who prefer to be in the same sex relation. Even talking or say posting about this is not easy and i am sure that this post may een offend others. But i firmly believe in the philosophy 'live and let live'. Anyway I came across this site and I have to say that they are doing a pretty good job, in the sense their site is not about one night stands but a steady long standing relationships, that is what thier site stands for.

This site or Onegoodlove as it is called is all about defining yourself and finding a soul mate. It is most defintely a site with a difference. Here it is all about trying to create meaningful relationships with your partners,about discovering your self and your character. It is about building not just a relation with someone but it is also a voyage of self discovery. Here they try to get rid off the stereotype that a gay or lesbian relationship if often associated with. Which in itself is not easy since most of us by now have misconceptions about the same,but nevertheless they manage to do that.

After all,loe between one person or the other should not depend on what sex that person is,right? There are so many longstanding gay/lesbian relationships that to mention them all here would take up all of my time. Lets just say that these guys are doing a ery good job in trying to bring together like minded people. They also hae a OGL personality test which you can take to find out about yourself. One can also do corporate volunteerism and donations to GLBT charitiesoneGoodLove is headquartered in West Hollywood, California. So all in all, to undertake the voyage of self discoery, go to the links above!

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Saturday, November 10, 2007

The French experience!

France has seen so much history and has made many a wave. Today she stands proud and tall and is a country that one can never get out of one's system that easily. One visit to France and all one can think of is the Bechamel sauce and the ever favorite French fries. I can go on and on about french cooking but there is so much more to France then its cooking. There are so many wonderful places and palaces to visit while one is in France, like the wineries and the Rhone alps. The Rhone alps are some of the most wonderful places on earth to go to ski or just to trek. Either way,
you will certainly enjoy the panoramic view that is so readily available here. As far as the accommodation goes, there is some good news for the travellers out there. The france hotels are not that expensive and there are some really fantastic offers here especially if you travel as a family group. Next,lets explore Paris!

The city of love and lovers as Paris is always known, it is still the omnipresent Eiffel tower that gives the city its true character. This city is one of the most colorful cities in the whole of Europe and as such it is most definitely a 'must see' on every travellers itinerary. The Eiffel tower stands some 300 meters tall and was actually considered 'ugly' once upon at a time. but today, it is this tower that breathes new life into this city of love. But Paris is not all about the Eiffel tower, there are numerous places to visit while one is in France, starting from the louvre. Did you know that the Louvre was originally built to defend Paris against the Vikings? anyway it became a museum around 1793. Today it is this vast museum that houses the works of famous artists and the jewel in the crown as far as the Louvre goes is none other than the Mona lisa! The paris hotels are not that expensive and their breakfast is a meal in itself. I especially loved the french bread, it is so delicious! Next lets take a drive around Nice!

When I say Nice, think of long leisurely walks with your loved one on a very pebbly beach, then a panoramic dinner set with a full moon in the back ground and some really nice french wine and a dish that is literally to die for. That is Nice in a nutshell. There are also many Museums here that are worthwhile seeing but the one for the arts is the one that really stands out. With all sorts of modern paintings all around, one will have a very surreal experience when one is in Nice. To have some good quality fun and to unwind,one must definitely go to Nice and there are some really great nice hotels here that really go out of their way to make your stay here as pleasant as possible and the really good news is that they are all easy on the wallet. So enjoy yourself and have fun in France!

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The zany weather!

Of late, the weather has been anything but normal. It does not rain when it is supposed to, it starts to get freezing and cold when it is supposed to be pleasant and to top all this, we get to hear the news that weather is having a drastic effect on the artic ice pack. At this rate,soon there would hardly be any artic ice left over. Is this change a result ogfwarming and is there nothing we can do? Is the ice age approaching us now?

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A really Inky world and the pleasure of cartridges!

Well we live in a age when we tend to take things for granted. As day by day goes we tend to get more finicky in what we want. Lets take the world of cartridges for example. Ink cartridges have come a long way and are so developed now that they can literally 'ink' out a simple sentence in so many different colors and shades that to a common lay person, it would seem as something out of this world. If you had lived in the era of second world war and had to keep changing the spool on your typewriter, can you imagine what you would think if you were given say a HP 56 Black. That would certainly blow you away!
With so many companies offering us the public so many different varieties of cartridges, it is often difficult to know what to get and where to get it. But lo behold with companies like the Carrot Ink, we can be sure of getting the best of the lot all the time. Their cartridges are some of the best in the market today. Their products are incomparable to the others like for example, their product hp ink cartridges stand head and shoulders above all the rest of the pack. Whats more with such neat offers and discounts available at their site, it is no wonder that their product ink jet cartridges are getting sold out. So do check out their site before they run out of all the cartridges!

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Dried news and old news!

It is indeed surprising to see the development in the fourth estate[news and media] in comparison to the other fields. If one were to go back into the past, say the time of 'Jack the ripper' one would get typing ink stains on ones hands from papers fresh off the machines. We have all come a long way since then,today we can get the latest news off an RSS feed,Internet,and even paper and all of this is done in a jiffy. I wonder what further changes we can expect in the Fourth estate,perhaps the news will be delivered to us in the form of a hologram??

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The salsa meringue!

I am just an average bloke and the only thing that I knew about salsa and the rest of the Latin forms of expression was what I saw on the telly or in the movies like 'True lies'. I always thought that the steps were too intricate and that you would have to practise for days on end just to get the Salsa steps right. But after a few visits to this place I managed to lean a few facts about Dancing in the spirit. One of them is that Dancing is not about getting the steps right but it is all about bringing out the inner you. The one thing that matters most as far as Salsa goes is your passion.
You will have to dance with your heart and let your passions guide you along. You would have to feel the song and dance with all of your emotions on the threshold of a new discovery. Think of it like the first time you learnt to ride a bicycle. How did you feel, how enthralling was it? That is what Salsa dancing is supposed to do to you.
I guess there is a little dancer in all of us, irrespective of how we may look or where we may be from. You can look at the Salsa video and you will be able to see how the dancers express themselves with their heart and not with their minds. To say that Salsa is all about the way you feel would not be an understatement. Here at this place not only are they the best but their Learn to dance course can be learnt in a very short amount of time. If you are like me and wanted to learn Salsa just so that you can impress your girl friend, well then you have come to the right place for it. What is more, you can go to the site via the links above and enter these details to test out the service.
name: blogsvertise

password: letmein

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Friday, November 9, 2007

Bhutto gets arrested and all hell breaks loose!

At last the opposition in Pakistan have a face to go with their movement. As Bhutto was preparing to leave for a rally in Rawalpindi, the barricade around her house became even more tougher. But the PPP party workers managed to get through the barricade and started shouting slogans and no prizes there as to what they were protesting about. The basic freedom is gone in Pakistan and the martial law is in place. It is no wonder that the very common man on the streets of Pakistan wants to protest against Musharraf and his goons.
The detention order placing Bhutto under house arrest was then served on her. The last time I saw the live broadcast of Bhutto on the BBC,she was giving a speech and listing out every one's objections. Then the police surrounded her and I have no idea as to what has happened to her. All i hear from the television channels is that one moment she was standing there giving a speech and then the microphone was snatched away from her and then she disappeared. The official version is that she is under house arrest, but it is any body's guess as to where she has been taken by the Pakistani security forces. Either way, the opposition against Musharraf has now got the face of Benazir Bhutto and let us hope that Musharraf listens to reason and this emergency ends real soon!

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The great hotels to stay in Spain!

Spain the land of the Tapas, is a nice place to go on a vacation. But as usual we often tend to look at our budgets while we do that. But there are some really fantastic places to stay in Spain which do not cost that much and the food, I do not have to say much about that as it sells by itself! While in Spain, you can always visit the Torre de Bujaco, or the clock tower. It has been around since the times of the 11th century and the tales that it could tell if it could talk. Anyway the tower is open to the public and it offers one a panoramic scene of the Caceras region of Spain. You could also visit the Muralla de Avila , which is the fortress wall around the city of Avila and it is really old. You should note that cars are not allowed in but the walk in and around the ancient fortress and the citadel are breathtaking in all aspects. The sights and sounds of Spain coupled with some of the fantastic low cost hotels in spain will definitely make your stay there a memorable one!

Barcelona is a great city with some really fantastic hotels that are high on quality and low on costs. As such the Sagrada Familia is a great family hotel where you can accommodate your entire family and not spend a restless night worrying over what it will cost you. Like I said it is a family hotel and a nice and pleasant place to stay in. The buffet that they have at the Sagrada Familia is something to keep talking about. While in Barcelona you have to visit the La Boqueria, it is the market of all markets. Here the various food and their respective flavors will just overwhelm your senses leaving you watering at the mouth literally. This is a must see on your itinerary in Barcelona. The next must see place is the Gothic quarter, this is literally like a time machine. This place with its narrow streets and the mysterious air that only old buildings can give, will literally transport you a few centuries back into the mists of time itself. This Gothic quarter is aptly named and there are various 'kiosks' lining the cobbled streets, so that all of your needs can be gratified right away! For stay in Barcelona, there are some really great hotels in barcelona besides the Sagrada Familia where you can stay without worrying over your wallet!

During your visit to Madrid, there are a few places that are a definite 'must visit' such as the Prado museum, which could take up most of the day, so plan that visit well. Also, the Prado museum has several Goya paintings on exhibit. The other place that one must visit is the botanical gardens, which are a marvel to behold. Anyplace that has so many plants and trees in such abundance in a city where there are few trees left is indeed a marvel. What makes this botanical garden different from all the others is that it is located on a cliff top and that alone makes it stand head and shoulders above the rest. The view from here is incomparable and the beaches are near by as well. You can literally make a picnic of the visit to the botanical gardens. The last 'must see' on your itinerary has to be the Royal palace. This palace is the official residence of Emperor Carlos, and is steeped in history from the top to the bottom. All the rooms are huge and very nicely decorated. Do not forget to get some snaps of the Banquet hall. Madrid is really a very nice and pleasant place to visit, with the people so very helpful and with the hotels in madrid being a bit on the inexpensive side. Need i say more other than Ole!

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Killer student mows down 8 in Finland!

It seems that the School Killings have started all over again. I had said this before and I shall say this again, it is high time that stronger gun control laws be brought into force. It is one thing to have guns to protect oneself but totally another thing to use them to shoot innocent people, just because you do not feel okay. Here in India as well as the other countries there is a very strict gun law which is duly enforced and it is pretty much unheard of for any teen to get their hands on any guns or ammunition of any kind, leave alone, to bring them to school.
We all have gone through that 'teen' years, with all sorts of hormones running through our body. It is at this stage that a human is most vulnerable and it is at this age that he or she can learn about life and mature into a responsible adult. To learn that Bullying was the cause for this person to run amok in this Finnish school, I have to ask did no one notice that he was being bullied? Why did the school counsellor not make an attempt to intervene? These are some of the questions that many a Finnish citizen would be asking themselves today.

These killings have only shown us how easy it is for underage adults/minors to obtain guns and ammunition of all sorts in countries where gun control is limited or pretty much non existent. Why should guns be so readily available in the market? I can never accept the argument that if guns cannot be sold over the counter legally then there is always the black market. It is high time that all guns were removed from the society as such, other than the police and the armed forces. That way, we would not be threatened by school kids 'going off their rocker' or by any robbers or murderers with guns. What is more, this way, tracing a gun that has been used in a crime would definitely be a whole lot easier! The American constitution may grant one the right to defend oneself, but it is that very right that is eroding the society of Modern America and this disease is spreading to other countries that do not have strict gun control laws like that of Finland. This crime has hit the Finnish people very hard as they are fighting to understand what happened and why it has happened? It will be some time before life gets back to normal in Finland but as far as schools go, Finnish education has changed and the feeling of safety in Finnish schools has gone forever!


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How clean is your Garage floor?

This is the question that not many of us ask ourselves but lets face some facts here, most of our garage floors are grimy at their best. They probably have a lot of oil and greasy stains on the floor on top of which the dirt as well. They would probably give the word 'grimy' a run for its money. There are many ways that we can keep our garage flooring a whole lot cleaner, one by having it tiled up so that it makes cleaning them a whole lot easier.
Can you imagine having to remove all the oil and grease stains off a concrete floor, then can you imagine how much easier it would be to do the same for a tiled floor? Or you can go in for a simpler version with just having to lay on the floor tile. But there is always the professional grade epoxy which would just outshine your old concrete garage floor! Not only are the designs in the tiled floor great, but they are just great and easy to maintain!

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Deposed chief justice on the warpath!

The deposed chief justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, has started blowing the bugle for a showdown of sorts with the current dictatorship of president Musharraf. Although the ex-chief justice of Pakistan is still under house arrest he has made an announcement of sorts calling on all the lawyers to join hands together and to go to all corners of Pakistan and to pass on the message that is it the time for sacrifice for the good of Pakistan.
As things are going from bad to worse, the militants have started capturing the border towns of Pakistan and they are slowly but surely increasing their stranglehold on the nation that is surely on the threshold of Anarchy and Chaos!

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The free host of all domains!

This is one great site with a really great offer. Many of us who have been online for some time often had to pay anywhere from 30$ upwards for a domain,domain name and the hosting privileges. But now, we get to have all of those at this site for just 4.95$/month. What is more, it is not just any site but a prize winning website, so we can be sure of getting quality service here at this site, 24*7. In case, you have a hard time taking me at my word, just go to the review, and you will get a very good idea as to what this site is all about and I for one, intend to make use of the services that are listed here. Happy surfing everyone and by the way, you can also get the domain name that you had always wanted here as well!

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Sunday, November 4, 2007

The President cracks the whip and Pakistan jumps the hoop!

The man behind the current turmoil in Pakistan is none other than the General A.K.A president Musharraf. He has not only promulgated an ordinance suspending the very constitution of Pakistan but he has also effectively gagged the rights of every single Individual there. The fourth estate is gagged and can only report according to Musharraf's views. In short, what he says goes, and if you are found to be breaking the law by just being yourself, even god cannot help you at the moment. Most of the top opposition leaders have all been arrested and placed under house arrest, thereby curtailing all of their movements ion and around Pakistan.

The Human rights commission of Pakistan stands suspended and most of its top members placed under arrest. The explanation that Musharraf gave the nation yesterday is really laughable. If he was so into protecting the stability of Pakistan, then why did he wait until now to do what he has done? The only logical explanation being that Musharraf wanted to hold on to the reins of power by any means possible.
It is at times like these that all political parties from the length and breadth of Pakistan unite together and fight literally for their freedom. After all, their ancestors did fight the British occupation of India[then both Indian and Pakistan], so if they could do it, there is no reason why the current politicians cannot fight Musharraf.

It is disgusting to see the way the the United states is pandering to the whims of their darling child, Musharraf, all because they consider him to be an important allay in their fight against terror. But I do not think that I have to remind anyone that this 'fight against terror' is all America's fight and there is no reason why democracy in Pakistan should be sacrificed just because Musharraf is helping the Americans out some of the time. Should not the ultimate goal be democracy and not just this 'war on terror' which by the way is not even our war to start with. Will democracy rise in Pakistan ever again?

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