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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Should we all give more?

This is the query that we must have asked ourselves quite often. Should we all gove more? Why should we give and what for? For one, I believe very strongy that it is not enough that we should only think of ourselves but also of others. And I have to say that whenever I make a donation to a charity or any other charity, I get this feelig of good in me that one canot just replicate by doing anything else. So I hope that all of you who do read this post, do make an all out attempt to give some thing back to society, if not money, then how about your time?
Anyway, Boatangel is a well known organisation that goes out of its way to bring out the best in all of us, irrespective of where we may be from or who we are. Boatangel accepts donations and on that nore, you can Donate Boat. They are organising this collection to which nearly anyone and everyone can contribute to, mainly for the prupose of creating and distributing absolutely free of charge (even free shipping) Children's Christian Animations on DVDs.
The neat thing about this is that the Children's Animation DVDS can be sent to you on request, with no shipping charge whatsoever. Boatangel has been involved in many projects over the time from dealing with troubled teens to addictions. You cna say that they believe in giving themselves up for the sake of giving. Just check out the links above and feel free to Donate my Boat.

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