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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Dynamite,Clinton, Crazy and a Hostage crisis?

The title of this post alone should make the situation clear to all of us, one may even think that the title is a dressing for some mundane story but the sad part or the funny part is that it is all too true and that all of it had really happened.
All of this went down in ROCHESTER, N.H. The hostage taker was a man called Leeland Eisenberg. This person had been in trouble before with the law and just three days ago his wife had filed for divorce and that seems to have been the very last straw for Leeland. Normally in order to deal with the emotional issues regarding divorce or any other family issues we would go to see a psychiatrist. Since the united states does provide some form of health care to all its citizens, Leeland could have taken that and avoided doing what he did.
But Leeland is a person who does things differently, he went ahead and strapped some road flares to himself,made it look like a dynamite,walked to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign offices, and decided to hold the people there hostage. He, I believe wanted to talk to Hilary about getting some form of medical help for himself. Talk about the crazy wanting to talk to another crazy about being crazy, That is not a pun because that is how it sounded to me. Anyway he later released all the hostages and surrendered himself. This is one campaign that Hilary is not going to forget anytime soon!

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