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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Obama talks the money talk!

With the state of Pennsylvania becoming one of the battleground states, Obama barack has just outlined some of his economic policies that he would be adopting if elected as the president. From what I had heard so far, I have to say that this candidate is a much better deal for us than McCain would ever be. The economic policies as outlined by Barack Obama are realistic,practical and ones that can be initiated easily.

The policies as outlined by McCain pale by comparison for they are weak, vague and more to do with election drama and bereft of any real content. McCain's policies seem to do more with short term gains than any long term benefits, reminding us all once again, that he is of the same cloth as the current president. When it comes to election rallies there are very few politicians who would come forward to outline policies with long term benefits as Obama has done.

Furthermore, McCain's policies are based primarily on slashing expenditure without any thought whatsoever to the consequences. Take for example McCain's idea of doing away with the gasoline tax, the impact of such a policy would only serve to make the oil companies richer than they already are and cause constriction in the availability of funds for community related infrastructure projects.
Everything considered, Obama is the way to go, no doubts about that.

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Iowa under floods - 20,000 flee!

The floods have hit the state of Iowa hard, forcing some 24,000 to lose their homes and another 20,000 to literally run for their lives. The floods are on account of unprecedented rain in the Iowa area which generally sees about a few inches of rain per year. But this time around, due to heavy rains coupled with thunderstorms, the Cedar river has risen far above the record mark it set the last time in 1929. It managed to reach a height of 32 feet, higher than the old mark by nearly 12 feet.

The Cedar river has flooded the drinking wells as well, thus limiting the amount of drinking water available to the citizens there. The wells that supply this water has been flooded and it will be quite some time before they are rendered usable again. In the meantime, with only one well still in use, it is time for the rationing to begin.

The forecast for the Cedar river area is not all that good with more rains being forecast. With most of the major levees having broken down, any more rain would only serve to make this far worse, transforming the Cedar river into raging flood waters. The fact is that despite disasters like Katrina and others, the infrastructure is ill-equipped to handle a massive exodus leave alone provide food,water and shelter for the remainder of the time needed. The question is that is Iowa planning to do in order to manage this crisis?

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Monday, June 2, 2008

The Obama change!

With the primaries on the last leg, Obama is sure to be the next democratic nominee, with the latest interview from Clinton hinting at a closure to this 'dirt road race'. To be honest, I have to say that the thought of another Clinton era sends shivers down my back. I am sure that there are quite a few people out there rooting for the Clinton's and likewise there are those rooting for the Obama camp.
But all politics aside, the time is ripe for change and who better than Barrack Obama to deliver the goods. I am sure that once the nominee has been declared, Hilary will lend her support to Obama all the way.

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