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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The chat line!

This is the day and the age of the Internet and almost anything and everything that we want to do these days can be done through technology. I for one am glad that Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone did what he did. Because of this invention and this company, now we can use the chat lines to talk as long as we want to.
This site actually helps us to overcome our shortcomings as far as communication goes. Some of us are a bit shy and as such we would not go out of our way to talk to strangers, but now with this site, we can not only overcome our shortcomings but end up making new friends as well. The phone chat is slowly but surely transforming our lives and in a very positive way at that. The best part is that it is all free chat, that is as long as the people we talk to are local. And in addition to chatting we can also leave messages for other prospective 'chatters' to find, so all in all, it is a neat way to find new friends!

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