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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

That tender loving care!

For a long while now gay and lesbian relationships hae always been a taboo subject. As a result there are often misconceptions about the same, but this is not about explaining all that but is rather to tell eeryone in the Whole wide world of the Internet that there is now a very good relationahip portal for people who prefer to be in the same sex relation. Even talking or say posting about this is not easy and i am sure that this post may een offend others. But i firmly believe in the philosophy 'live and let live'. Anyway I came across this site and I have to say that they are doing a pretty good job, in the sense their site is not about one night stands but a steady long standing relationships, that is what thier site stands for.

This site or Onegoodlove as it is called is all about defining yourself and finding a soul mate. It is most defintely a site with a difference. Here it is all about trying to create meaningful relationships with your partners,about discovering your self and your character. It is about building not just a relation with someone but it is also a voyage of self discovery. Here they try to get rid off the stereotype that a gay or lesbian relationship if often associated with. Which in itself is not easy since most of us by now have misconceptions about the same,but nevertheless they manage to do that.

After all,loe between one person or the other should not depend on what sex that person is,right? There are so many longstanding gay/lesbian relationships that to mention them all here would take up all of my time. Lets just say that these guys are doing a ery good job in trying to bring together like minded people. They also hae a OGL personality test which you can take to find out about yourself. One can also do corporate volunteerism and donations to GLBT charitiesoneGoodLove is headquartered in West Hollywood, California. So all in all, to undertake the voyage of self discoery, go to the links above!

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