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Friday, August 3, 2007

Nawaz sharif goes to Supreme court!

Things are getting quite dicey for the pakistani president Musharaff as his arch rival Nawaz shariff moves the Supreme court for his return to this we all know that things between the two of them was never pleasant to begin with and things deteriorated very fast from there onwards leading to the failed bid to finish of Musharraf.of course,once Musharraf gained control he had replied Nawaz shariff with the same coin.i would venture to guess that being out in prison under the Musharraf regime must have been torturous for Nawaz shariff but that all ended with his exile to the middle east.
As things go,the wolves in Pakistan have started howling for blood and this time around it is the paksitani president who is facing a revolt of sorts.things are fast unravelling with his own military advisers advocating a resignation of sorts for Musharaff.will he take that advice seriously?we can only wait and the meanwhile,the Supreme court may well set the cat amongst the pigeons by allowing Nawaz shariff to come sure is going to be an interesting time for Pakistani politics!

musharaff,pakistan,nawaz shariff,

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