As hard as this may be to believe but a bag of cornmeal actually led to murder.Zimbabwe,is in the grip of acute food shortage which is a result of the moronic policies of its erstwhile president Mugabe.single handed he has reduced a very health country to one where the inflation is so high as 4500%.with such high prices,the common man on the street often has to make do with the most common of food like cornmeal.and an altercation between a security guard and his colleague over over stolen cornmeal from a depot,led to the has become very cheap but that is not surprising considering the fact that the people in Zimbabwe do not even have the most common of things that we take granted for.independent estimates and the International red cross have said that inflation may even reach as high as 10,000% by the year end.when will Mugabe be rid off??the whole of Zimbabwe is suffering because of him!