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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Earth water=Mars water!!

Well,it seems that Earth may have more in common with the red planet than you may have thought!we all know that the Earth and her sister planets formed from the dust and materials left after the sun formed.that is correct.we also know that once the Earth formed,the heavier materials such as Iron sank to the center of the Earth to become its liquid Iron core-therefore we have magnetism.and just after this happened,some of the planets started colliding with each other,and from one of those explosions with earth,the moon was formed.
But what was worrying the scientists for so long is where did all the water on earth come from.the early hot was so hot that it would have turned us to ash within microseconds.and then the creation of moon happened,that did not help matters along but it just over heated the already hot planet.okay,so where did the water come from?
According to some scientists,the water could have come from comets.but recently NASA sent a lander to impact on the comet and after an analysis was done,they found that the water contained on some of the comets differed quite a lot from earth if not comets,then how?well it seems that during the birth of the sun and the solar system,most of the water regrouped in the region of the outer and inner asteroid belt and since it is quite cold there,they froze.anyway the scientists have concluded that as Jupiter formed,its huge gravity field changed the orbits of so many thousands of asteroids which all have impacted on one planet or the other.i tend to believe in this theory more than others especially when you take the watery world of Europa into if we take it that the water or most of it came from asteroids which impacted onto a cooling Earth,then the same asteroids must have also impacted and gave water to Mars as well.if that is true,then the composition of water on Mars should not very that much at all from Earth water.the answer to this question is much nearer than you think.well,it will be answered by the Mars lander that NASA has sent to the red planet for studying the buried ice cap.
who knows,the water we drink everyday could very well turn out to be Martian water!


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