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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

India mulls "headless chickens".

As the United states ambassador made the comment likening certain people to that of 'headless chickens' running from place to place looking for a comment,that started off a ruckus in the Indian Parliament.well,the diplomat who was not so diplomatic is getting a huge headache.he had actually said the above comment in response to the way some of the political parties and the media have been attacking the U.S-India nuclear deal.he had actually said that comment in regard to media people who have been blowing things out of proportion,but that is what one can expect of the media nowadays.after all glamorising sells and anywhere in the world at that.the diplomat clarified later on that those comments were directed at the media and not at any Honorable member of the Parliament.
But the storm in this tea cup has still to die of the hon'able members went on so far as to say that "the chickens are insulted by this comment from the ambassador".that does lead to the question,who are the chickens that are insulted by this comment??

india,united states,chicken,ronan sen,

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