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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Musharraf ready to call quits from the army??

Well,even stranger things happen in real life than they do in 'reel' life.the deal between Benazir Bhutto and the wily general of Pakistan,Perez Musharraf have reached a deal of sorts.according to the deal,Bhutto will return to Pakistan soon and contest in the october elections.and before the election,Perez Musharraf will quit the army and Bhutto will support his a deal of sorts has been reached in Pakistan.but will this be enough to control the turmoil,especially in the NWF provinces?maybe,maybe not.but all eyes are on Nawaz shariff who plans to return to Pakistan soon.the situation is in a flux right now and it still is not clear who is going to win the coming elections as it is not even clear who is going to be eligible to stand for these elections.

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