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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

More bomb blasts in Pakistan?

Is the peace and security destabilising in Pakistan? Is General Musharraf aware of the world's perception of his government and his presidency? The recent suicide bomb blasts at an army camp could not have come at a even worse time for Musharraf. As things stand, the Supreme court is mulling over his presidency and may soon issue a decision that will shake all the politico's in Pakistan.
Coupled with the recent bomb blasts in Pakistan, the release of the controversial book,
Deception: Pakistan, the United States and the Global Nuclear Weapons Conspiracy where it is claimed that Musharraf had his finger on the nuclear button and wanted to nuke India, this is only causing the whole world to turn up the spotlight on the general and Pakistan. When a person can be so irresponsible to almost start a nuclear war, can the world really trust this man? That is the question that a lot of the Indians, Americans and the whole world at large are asking themselves today. With the general elections due in Pakistan, is it any wonder that the general is left with few friends and the ones that he has are increasingly distancing themselves away from him and his 'gung ho' policies?

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