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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The 'Indie' way to go!


Independent films are what is known as 'Indie' films and they are the ones that stand out from the whole melee of films out there. If it were not for Indie films I guess that originality would have more or less, been given the miss. Today we see many movies that are being produced by the big studios, they are what you call commercial movies. Where the Indie movies and the commercial movies differ is that the Indie movies are true to the writers vision and what they visualised and created is what will be shot as a movie. Where as the same cannot be said of commercial movies, which are made solely to appeal to a mass audience and and as such do not have that much of an 'originality' in them.
Red Scream Films LLC has produced some of the most original horror films and they all can very easily be compared to some of the best horror films. If Exorcist was made by Red Scream Films, one- they would have stayed true to the content and for another,they would have made it much better.
I am a big fan of horror films and some of my favorites are the all time hits like Psycho, Nightmare on elm street and so on. Having seen some of the Red Scream Films myself, I have to say that their movies can very easily take on these famous horror movies I had listed above and win! It is their originality that makes them stand out from the others and it is only a matter of time before everybody else recognises that the Red Scream Films is in a class of its own. Just click on the link above and get the information on their latest 'Indie' horror movies!

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