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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Iran hardens its stance in the Nuclear issue!

Iran has hardened its stance in the Nuclear issue with having appointed a hardliner as the new chief nuclear negotiator. The president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accepted the resignation of the last nuclear negotiator and has appointed a hardliner in his place. Things may start to get a bit sticky as the Untied states increases pressure on Iran by way of more sanctions. At the moment, Russia who has invested a lot in Iran is currently objecting to any further sanctions on Iran. But this will change as soon as Russia sees that Iran is not serious of backing off the 'Nuclear quest' and that all this talk has been more of a way of buying time than accomplishing anything concrete. Things are going to come to a boil sooner or later regarding Iran. Bush has certainly not helped matters along by linking a Nuclear Iran with World war 3!



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