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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Boy confesses to starting the California wildfire!

The California wildfire that had destroyed so many homes and had killed about 14 or so people was started by a kid playing with the matchbox. The police have sent the boy home and an investigation is pending. It seems that the 'inferno' was aa creation of man rather than nature or a short circuit as it was originally suspected to be.
We have all been told by our parents not to plaY with matches since the toodler age and yet this has happened.

The inferno in question has destroyed 2,100 homes and blackened 809 square miles from Los Angeles to the Mexican border last week. Seven deaths were blamed directly on the fires, six evacuees died of natural causes and one person died of a fall. All of this devastation, it seems can be laid at the doorstep of one small boy. The question is whether s mere 'sorry' can really make up for the tragic loss of life that these group of wildfires had wrought on the suhshine state. We even saw the terminator man pitching in to help the californian residents. Personally I think that charges should be bought agains the boy's parents for what the boy did as the ultimate responsibility is theirs to bear.



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