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Friday, October 26, 2007

California, breathing again?

This encounter with the wildfires has given many a Californian a reason to think twice about polluting the atmosphere again. Of course, I am sorry about the whole episode where countless homes were burnt to the ground but a week of inhaling impure air and smoke must have given many a Californian a reason to think twice about the pollution that the United states is guilty of.
But that is totally a different topic and one that will be definitely covered later on. For the Californians it must be a relief to head back home as the danger of the wildfires has decreased. But that just leaves one with the questions how these fires originated and why were they do devastating as never before. For the former the investigations are ongoing but the common culprits are either nature by way of lightning or man made by way of smokes. As for the later, it has been aggravated to the near drought conditions that California has suffered this summer and with the top soil loose, the hot winds were a certainty, it was just a matter of when. Lets all hope that the worst is over for now!


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