After George Bush had introduced even more sanctions against Myanmar, the Junta went on a damage control measure aimed at the United states lifting off its sanctions. But their efforts were termed as 'cosmetic' by the White House and rightly so. The Junta seized power even though Aung San Sui Ki clearly won the election by popular mandate, and had ruled Burma with a iron fist for a really long time. The world has decided that enough is enough, especially when the whole world witnessed the ruthless way the Junta attacked the unarmed Buddhist monks. The White House is leading the pack for increasing the squeeze on Myanmar and the whole world agrees that something must be done about Myanmar and that the status quo cannot be allowed to continue any further.
But the dispute is all about what exactly should be done, with the Asian giants, China and India, both refusing to interfere in Myanmarese affairs directly. This refusal stems from the fact that both these Asian giants view Myanmar as a strategic buffer and as such both are at pains to avoid offending the Junta without due cause. Further more, Both the Asian giants and Russia are due to have a trilateral conference very soon and Myanmar sanctions will figure in it. Whatever method is chosen, it will only serve to increase the squeeze on Myanmar, either by way of sanctions or by way of aggressive action on the part of the Asian giants. The Junta can be sure to count its last days in power. It seems that it is true,"absolute power does corrupt absolutely".myanmar,