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Friday, September 28, 2007

Myanmar-end game begins??

Myanmar a nation that has always stood for peace and democracy-well,that was what it stood for 20 years ago and it has been suffering under the dictatorship of the ruling Junta and now it has all come to a boil.with An Sang Su Chi under a virtual huose arrest the ruling Junta has pretty much had their way until now,keeoing the riches of the land to it any wonder that Myanmar is considered to be one of the most corrupt nations in the whole wide world.the people had put up with the ruling Junta and their corrupt practices for so long and they have decided that enough is enough.they want their democratically elected leader An Sang Su Chi to be in power and the Junta to go away.but that is easier said than done.
Now that the Junta has started cracking down on Buddhist monks and protesters alike,killng nearly 9 people in the process,well,the world is watching with horror as this goes on ad it is only a matter of time before intervention takes place.the key question that is doing the rounds in diplomatic circles is will it be India or China that will do the intervention?as it is both the Asian giants have a very close relationship with Myanmar and now the whole world from the Asean group to the United states and now the United nations all are increasing their pressure on both India and China to act and to take whatever action is necessary to take so as to ensure peace and put an end to this violence.
The problem for both India and China is that they both enjoy a close relationship with the Junta and neither wants to change the status quo.what is more,they both see Myanmar as an important allay as well as an essential buffer zone between the two giants.both India and China are enjoying a warming of relations they have not seen in
quite a while.and as such neither wants to upset the regional balance.what is more,both know that any intervention by one will not be seen friendly by the is high time that both of these asian giants got off their high horse and did something to prevent the army slaughtering the monks.if they are not comfortable with the idea of one acting alone then they both can sit down ad talk and do the intervention together!lets see what happens!

myanmar,united states,india,china,junta

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