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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Germany cracks down on terror plots!

One of the first news that i had heard was that the German police had arrested some people on suspicion of plotting future terrorist attacks.i have to say that as a result of such terror attacks the value of civil liberties is going down drastically day by day.every country needs to deal with terrorist attacks on a war footing but it should not come at the cost of civil liberties.
The Australia-Haneef episode clearly highlights how easy it is to make mistakes.people in authority often make mistakes and then they make even worse mistakes in trying to cover up the original mistakes.that said,although on the outset it may seem that arresting someone on the basis of just suspicion may seem like a certain community is being targeted but the reality is that people of that community are the ones who are indulging in such terrorist attacks.what is more,they are using 'terrorism' as an ideology and often madras's or schools of religious thought,which should have been preaching tolerance,just do the opposite and pretty much tell their followers to attack their neighbours.
I am sorry to say this but the prevailing opinion in the world at large is that people belonging to such communities are the ones that should be put under the scanner and they should be viewed with is sad that it has come to this.but if you were to take a world wide poll asking everyone as to which community should they blame for the terrorist attacks,most of them would say that one you can see,i am not naming that community here because i believe in being fair.but if you were to take account of all terrorist attacks all around the world,you will see that most or nearly all of them have been perpetrated by one community and all in the name of religion.if this state of affairs is to continue,then all that these so called terrorists will accomplish is uniting the entire world not just against them but also against their community as will not be long before the world in general starts asking the question,'if members of one community is making such attacks and taking Innocent lives,why should that community be given any privileges?'.
As you can see,the world is not a safe place as it once was and civil liberties are not that valued as it should have been.this scourge of terrorism is shaping the world in ways that both the terrorists as well as the world in general did not is high time that governments all over the world went on a war conclusion i would like to state that what the Berliner's have done with regard to the recent attacks is correct and that is what we should all do.instead of waiting for people to attack us,let us attack them first.undertake an investigation of sorts and when we have obtained concrete evidence of their terrorist beliefs and hatred,act upon it and take them in.most of the civil liberties that we value so much may have already lost its sheen,but at the very least let us save one of the most basic principles of all democracies that 'every citizen is guaranteed safety and security in their own country!"

berlin,terror,al-queda,pakistan,safety,united states,security

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