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Saturday, September 8, 2007

George Bush to talk about the new Iraq Vision??

What a vision it has been for the rest of the world.this war was wrong to start off with.anyway now that Iraq is in the midst of the 'war on terror',with civilians and soldiers dying there day by day,is it any surprise to any of us that George Bush has a new vision on Iraq now?
But truth be told,there has to be some changes made to the current Iraq policy as it is now.especially with more deaths being reported from there day by day.and the U.S soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners certainly did not help matters any way what can the new policy be all about?well,for one,total withdrawal out of the question as that would only result in Iraq getting into a civil war or worse into another 10 year war with Iran.but what the U.S can do now is to do some damage control and bring the United Nations into the picture and make the force that is currently based in Iraq more multinational and at the same time try to see what the Iraqi's really want.bottom line,every Iraqi man and woman,want peace and democracy but that should certainly not come at the price of terror!

iraq,iran,war,peace,george bush,

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