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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Buzz aldrin sells for 180,000$

Everyone it seems is taken with astronauts and everything to do with space.recently note penned by none other than Buzz Aldrin,which by the way was a verse from the bible,got auctioned for nearly 180,000$.of course one could ask was it really worth that much?in my opinion,absolutely not!
I do respect,sorry,love everything to do with space just like every other person but to waste all that money on a note just because it was penned by an astronaut seems to be a complete waste of money and resources which could have been better utilised for charity since the world is in so much need of that charity.the amount of 180,000 could have very well fed countless of homeless children in Africa and to think that all of that money was wasted on a note,what can i say?
Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, never broadcast the New Testament verse. But he read other notes on the card in which he asked for a moment of silence and for listeners to "contemplate for a moment the events of the past few hours and to give thanks in his own individual way."

space,united states,moon,astronaut,verse

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