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Monday, September 3, 2007

Bangladesh cracks down on Politicians!

Well,for many of us such incidents are really welcome news.with all the corrupt politicians that are there this is one country that says 'no' to the corrupt ones.that is fantastic and all that.but one should take heed so as not to make democracy pay the price.i mean,what with all the politicians in the jail,who will run the painful as it is for me to say this,politicians are a necessary evil of the society now days.
It does not matter whether your country is fully developed or just developing.either way we all have politicians from the likes of Clinton to those of Larry craig.come what may,as a society,we are not yet developed to live a life of that of 'Utopia' and we need to be governed and we need the yes,politicians are necessary but that does not mean that we have to put up with the kind of acts that they carry out.we should regulate politicians and make sure that they the very least we expect nothing less than the best from all politicians irrespective of where they are!

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