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Saturday, September 8, 2007

Air force helicopter crashes-Air force on a drinking binge!?!

Well it seems that a training session went somewhere seems that the helicopter which was to be used in the training session,decided to crash just for the fun of it and ended up injuring both the pilot and the co-pilot.i would like to bring your attention to the news report in the last few days that alleged that some of the NASA astronauts were reported to be drunk during flights.
Is it the turn of the Air force pilots now?the news by itself would not be all that surprising except for the fact that all pilots like doctors on the ground are not to drink alcohol of any kind before they make any flights.of course,that is hardly followed and we should not be all that surprised to see doctors making mistakes In the ground and pilots making the same in the air.i guess,if we tell someone they cannot do something,then the urge to do that exact thing becomes strong!it is all about human nature in the end!

florida,air force,america,alcohol,

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