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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

North Korea de-Fangs!

North Korea has shot down one of its main nuclear reactors,thus giving peace a change as well as the possibility of both Korea's merging into one.but of course thats too far into the future so lets see what happens.anyway for the present moment the chief U.S. nuclear envoy expressed optimism after a day of meetings Tuesday with his North Korean counterpart, saying no new obstacles to progress on disarmament have emerged following Pyongyang's shutdown of its sole operating reactor.
With Pyongyang taking such a move well for one thing Japan as well as South Korea can now rest a little bit easier.of course credit should also go to the Chinese without whom this would not have been all that remains to be seen is how far would
Pyongyang go to appease the Allied Forces as regards its nuclear is rumored that North Korea has already an operable nuclear bomb.well,now that Pyongyang has taken this step one can only hope that North Korea would continue the rest of the path to peace and prosperity!

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