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Friday, July 27, 2007

Aussie reputation in the gutters!

Australia had always been known for its sense of fair play or so we all thought.but since the affair of Dr Haneef,that has been proven to be a lie in so many ways.first of all these anti terror laws are so reminiscent of the Red hunt days in the united states especially during the McCarthy era.anyway these anti terror laws are more directed against the ordinary citizens and they literally trample over a persons civil rights as well as spit on is right that every country in the world must have anti terror laws so as to deal with terrorists but when one frames such laws one should also take into account the countries constitution and the civil liberties framed under such.
In the case of Dr Haneef,that certainly did not happen.his civil rights were trampled by the Australian federal police who seem to be only too eager to break laws in their eagerness to frame Haneef for a crime that WAS not a crime in any one's eyes.lending a SIM card to a friend so that the talktime should not go to waste is something we all have done and still use that as a pretext and to label that person as a terrorist is taking things too far.Haneef had been jailed under such dubious charges for nearly a month and in 'solitary confinement'.imagine getting locked up for nearly 23 hrs everyday all because you had lent your SIM card to your friend.
And what is really disgusting is the way that the federal police tried to cover their tracks once they realised their mistake.they tried to make false entries into Haneef's diary or so it is alleged and pretty much went on a publicity blitz labelling him as a terrorist to all and sundry and gave advice to the minister to deport him.the Australian government as well as the Federal police will have to answer some very serious charges to both the Australian public and the world.if anyone had seen the movie'mississippi burning',this case of Dr Haneef,resembles the case of those civil right activists who were falsely charged and then killed by the racist cops.
And now we have this admission that Dr Haneef is innocent but will the trauma end there.if one is proven to be wrong then the right thing to do is to make far i do not think that the federal police or the immigration minister has shown any remorse or have apologised in any form or manner to Dr Haneef and his family for the trauma that they have put them through.the so called fair reputation of Australia is indeed in the gutters and the sooner they address this fiasco and make restitution,the sooner this reputation will be restored but i feel that it is too little,too late.


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