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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The big freeze is heading your way!

Argentina witnessed its first major snowfall since 1918.they naturally cheered the event and everyone joined in a good old fashioned snowball fight.but many scientists all over the world are very worried with the way that the weather is acting up.they are afraid that the current crazy weather phenomenon is more or less a start of the next ice age.and going by research and facts,the ocean currents which deliver warm waters and warm weather to the northern regions of the earth has started slowing down.the scientists fear that once the ocean currents start to slow they will eventually stop.which would immediately put the northern hemisphere in the grip of a severe cold wave.the weather at my place is going nuts as well.of course it is not bad crazy but actually good crazy.although the weather here in chennai may be out of the ordinary many of the chennaites are actually enjoying a very pleasant summer with temperatures ranging around 20 celcius.
While normally the temps here in chennai would have been around 30 degrees or so.anyway the way that the weather is acting up of late,do not be all that surprised if you encounter a big freeze this winter especially if you happen to live in the northern hemisphere!either way,folks,we are all sure going to see some crazy action on the weather front!

weather,argentina,chennai,ice age,freeze,

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