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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Down Under's Rep in shreds!

The case of Dr Haneef gets murkier by the day,not the case itself but the actions of the current Australian government.We all know that Dr Haneef had loaned his SIM card which had some balance talktime on it to one of his friends in Glasgow.we have all done this.we have all loaned our SIM cards to our friends especially if we did not want the talktime to go to waste.the judge had ruled fairly in Dr Haneef's case telling the federal authorities that the case against Dr Haneef was flimsy at the best and therefore he was granted bail by the said judge.
But to the surprise of all,the federal authorities have now placed Dr Haneef under detention once again under the pretext that he had failed the character test as per his visa rules and have therefore cancelled his visa and have placed him under detention.I ask you,how can we know what purpose the SIM cards that we have loaned,would be used is not like we all have a crystal ball in our heads,maybe John Howard does have one in his head but we sure do not.what is more the Aussie minister in charge of Immigration had beed heard mentioning that more serious charges may be filed against Dr Haneef soon.all this smells fishy and rotten at that.Australia had always stood for laidback attitudes,fun time and most of all fairplay.but now it is that very reputation fairness that stands in the is not wonder that this case in particular has got so many aussies riled has all the handimarks of the British dominion when they ruled Australia with an iron fist.
But I do not think that mr Howard has thought this out thoroughly.normally India would not interfere in another countries judicial progress but when it is a Kangaroo court that is being held,well,India will surely react,it is just a matter of time.single handedly John Howard has managed to put a big damper on relations with India as well as other Indian oceanic countries of the time the next elections come around i would not be too surprised if Australia was 'personna non grata' in many of these countries.already India has taken a serious note of goings on in Australia.Australia,the land of kangaroos is currently holding a 'kangaroo court' session!well done!now you have something you can actually be proud of!

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