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Saturday, January 12, 2008

The United Nations threatens action over Darfur attacks!

The situation in Darfur is going from bad to worse these days just when we all thought that it cannot get any more worse than it already has. Now the Sudanese troops have taken to taking potshots at the U.N peacekeepers posted there to maintain peace and order.
It is one thing for the Sudan to feign ignorance over the attacks on the innocent civilians but totally another to say that they do not even know that the peacekeepers were attacked. It is one blatant lie that will not pass muster of any kind and it is high time that the Security council declared war on Sudan. Enough is enough, the whole world knows that the Sudanese government and the troops and the militias have one thing in their minds and that is none other than the total extermination of the refugees in Sudan. The Security council should take strong action regarding Darfur and halt the genocide that seems to be taking place in spite of the peace keepers that are posted there!

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