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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Vote Obama, Not Clinton!

It is that time of the year again when all the crazies come out of the basements and try to entice us with a truckload of sweet nothings. But the one candidate that has come out on the top and seems to be sincere of the whole bunch is none other than Barack Obama. This guy certainly seems to be the one to lead the United States out of Iraq and into the golden future.

I for one would not advocate choosing Clinton, let us not forget all the baggage that goes with them. I have to say that piece where Hilary almost broke down in public seems to be too good to be true. Let us not forget that this is the woman who is supposed to have stood by her husband in spite of his cheating ways, and all for the sake of power. The Clintons have proved again and again that they would do anything for the sake of power and as such, should be given the shove to, when it comes to the nominations!

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