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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Frankenstein, eat your heart out!

It seems that the vision of Frankenstein is becoming more of a reality these days than you would imagine it to be so. Recently, a group of Franken -tists have managed to make a dead heart beat again by infusing it with live cells. The heart in question was of course that of a rat, and they managed to get it beating again.
This does raise wonderful possibilities for the thousands of patients suffering from heart ailments, but it also brings into focus, the question of how far are we as a species willing to go, in order to achieve immortality?
There are, of course, certain things that we live to the divine. But now, with such advancements in science and namely medicine, can we tell the difference between curing and trying to play god? Is this right?
This is one question that has no easy answer,no one side to it. In the end, all it comes to is a matter of belief, god or medicine!

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