We all saw Hilary having a go at Obama's mailings just a couple of days ago. The timing of such an attack is naturally suspected and Obama echoed this as well. It is only natural to assume that your rival will try and go for the jugular especially if that so called rival has been losing constantly. It seems that the ‘crocodile tears’ did not help Hilary that much this time around.
Anyway, Obama was very clear on NAFTA and today, in his speech he had pretty much clarified his position on it much to the discomfiture of both the opposing camps [count as Hilary and McCain]. This election resembles more and more a bollywood movie, with actors borrowing lines left and right. We have Hilary on one hand trying to copy Obama’s lines and failing miserably at it. Even a school child would be able to see that all that Hilary’s so called advisors are doing is re framing Obama’s lines and spewing it back to the public at large. And McCain of late seems to have taken a page from Hilary’s book and has started doing that as well. The speeches of the candidates resemble more and more like the old reruns that we get on the telly with the only difference being that at least the old re runs had some entertainment factor in them.
That was what I had thought until a couple of days ago, when Hilary all of a sudden decided to get aggressive. Well, if the heat is going to be turned on, the sooner the better as most of their recent speeches with the sole exception of Obama Barack seem to be putting me to sleep.
Regarding NAFTA, we all know that it is one agreement that is skewered in no one’s favor and that it is the one agreement that definitely either has to go or needs to be looked into. We also know the roles that both the Clinton’s played as far as this agreement goes and for Hilary to say that the mailers that the Omaba camp sent out was wrong, is laughable. More like that she did not want that to come out now with her nomination in jeopardy and with both Ohio and Texas turning out to be the crucial states.
Whatever happens in both Ohio and Texas, the one thing that most Americans as well as the rest of the world wants is a change for the better. The United States deserves a president who is strong and capable and does not get overly emotional like the way Hilary did. Obama uses Mahatma Gandhi as a role model and that is one hell of a role model to choose. Mahatma Gandhi acted on his words and led an entire nation to freedom; one can only hope that Obama performs as half as good as the Mahatma. As you can see by my post here, I would very much prefer that Obama wins the primaries and ends up winning the election. I just cannot stomach the thought of another Clinton in the White House, now or ever!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Obama slams Hilary on NAFTA!
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10:55 AM
Labels: clinton, democrats, elections, free trade agreement, mccain, nafta, ohio, politics, primaries, republicans, texas, united states, world