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Monday, February 25, 2008

How low can you get?

The current election campaigns are tearing the democrats apart by all this sledging. To say that only one side is indulging in it would be a lie, since both the sides, that is the camps of both Hilary and Obama are pretty much having a go at it. But one should point out that at least Obama’s side seems to be doing their research so that whatever they ‘sledge’, it sticks.

Case in point is the NAFTA issue, which Hilary can deny until she is blue in the face but the facts speak for themselves. Whereas the Clinton camp seems to be circulating a photo of Obama wearing a turban, and implying that all those who wear one are Muslims.

Well his HRH prince Charles wore one but that did not make him one nor did the fact that Omaba was a chief guest who was asked to try out a costume stop the Clinton’s from sledging.

This election has bought out the best and the worst in Politicians, as usual but what really surprises me is the fact that a well seasoned politician like Hilary can make mistakes as the one she did with the photo. Rule of the thumb is that if you are going to sledge then you better do your homework to make sure that the dirt sticks!

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