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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Israel, fuming and angry!

Every time that the militants manage to attack a place or two, there is always a 'knee jerk' reaction from one or the other countries in that region. This is certainly true when it comes to Israel. It seems that all the middle eastern countries in that region from Jordan to Syria seem to embrace Hannibal's rule of 'an eye for an eye' more vigorously than any other civilization has done to date.

The recent attack on Israel by a suicide bomber has left Israel fuming and angry, to say that Israel is itching to get back at the militants would be an understatement. As it is, they have already launched a few Ariel strikes against Palestine and would love to do more. But what most of these countries that take part i such activities is the failure to realize that none of these attacks are doing any of them good.

For one, innocents get killed on both the sides, mothers are left childless,the investors would not want to invest in such a troubled area, the tourists would stop coming,the fuel prices would hike and as it is Israel has already stopped the supply of fuel to certain areas of Palestine.....none of this is good. True, I may have simplified the problem but what I have posted are based on facts and it is already happening!

Israel,palestine,united states,economy,tourists,syria,jordan

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