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Friday, February 8, 2008

Obama leads Clinton in Super tuesday!

Well I guess it is too early to say HUZZAH! I for one am glad that Obama barack has taken the lead, a very short lead but a lead nevertheless. It is high time that we all got rid of all the Clinton contenders once and for all.
The entire nation must have been sick to their cores with all the 'lies,sex and videotapes' surrounding the Clintons.

When Hilary turned on the waterworks, that was the clincher. There must have been a few who may have mistaken those tears for actual ones, but I would not put it past her to use a bottle of Glycerin to produce those tears. Anyway, I do not think that we have ever seen anyone so power hungry as the Clintons and now the time has come to say goodbye to them once and for all.

The super tuesday has made it clear that the race is going to be a dead heat and all bets are off. The 'Washington' factor is going to come into play soon and I hope that it says 'Obama' all the way!

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