The Yellow metal has never shined as brightly as it does these days and it seems that the gold is the way to go to for most of the investors these days. But when it comes to either purchasing or selling coins, you can do not better than to approach the Monex rare coin, a part of the Monex group of companies.
This is the company to go to for any advice that you may need on gold coins. Normally you seek to purchase gold coins either for collection purposes or for investment. For investment purposes, here at Monex, they have investment grade coins that are worth well above $10,000. There are other kind of coins available in other packages as well.
The Monex rare coins are the dealers dealer when it comes to rare coins as well as gold coins. They offer us the best rates when it comes to purchase and sales of such coins and since they have contacts in almost every coin market in the world, these are also the guys to come to in order to secure the best rate for both purchase and sales. So, irrespective of whether you are seeking valuable coins for your portfolio or for any other purpose, as long as you want the best for the least, these are the guys to call up on!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Gold is the hymn these days!
The blog genie!
Bloggerwave is the new guy on the block for the bloggers out there, compared to the other sites, this is one site with a difference. For starters, here the bloggers are given prominence and what is more the opps here come with a no follow tag. Which translates to no problems whatsoever for the bloggers out there.
This site certainly goes out of its way to make sure that its bloggers get good opps and one that certainly pays on time. Until now, I have never had any issues with them on any account and I have to say that of most of the sites that I have done a review for, these guys are one of the best. So, just drop by bloggerwave and see what it is all about!
Monday, February 25, 2008
How low can you get?
The current election campaigns are tearing the democrats apart by all this sledging. To say that only one side is indulging in it would be a lie, since both the sides, that is the camps of both Hilary and Obama are pretty much having a go at it. But one should point out that at least Obama’s side seems to be doing their research so that whatever they ‘sledge’, it sticks.
Case in point is the NAFTA issue, which Hilary can deny until she is blue in the face but the facts speak for themselves. Whereas the Clinton camp seems to be circulating a photo of Obama wearing a turban, and implying that all those who wear one are Muslims.
Well his HRH prince Charles wore one but that did not make him one nor did the fact that Omaba was a chief guest who was asked to try out a costume stop the Clinton’s from sledging.
This election has bought out the best and the worst in Politicians, as usual but what really surprises me is the fact that a well seasoned politician like Hilary can make mistakes as the one she did with the photo. Rule of the thumb is that if you are going to sledge then you better do your homework to make sure that the dirt sticks!
Posted by
12:02 PM
Labels: barack obama, campaign, elections, hilary, politics, united states
Obama slams Hilary on NAFTA!
We all saw Hilary having a go at Obama's mailings just a couple of days ago. The timing of such an attack is naturally suspected and Obama echoed this as well. It is only natural to assume that your rival will try and go for the jugular especially if that so called rival has been losing constantly. It seems that the ‘crocodile tears’ did not help Hilary that much this time around.
Anyway, Obama was very clear on NAFTA and today, in his speech he had pretty much clarified his position on it much to the discomfiture of both the opposing camps [count as Hilary and McCain]. This election resembles more and more a bollywood movie, with actors borrowing lines left and right. We have Hilary on one hand trying to copy Obama’s lines and failing miserably at it. Even a school child would be able to see that all that Hilary’s so called advisors are doing is re framing Obama’s lines and spewing it back to the public at large. And McCain of late seems to have taken a page from Hilary’s book and has started doing that as well. The speeches of the candidates resemble more and more like the old reruns that we get on the telly with the only difference being that at least the old re runs had some entertainment factor in them.
That was what I had thought until a couple of days ago, when Hilary all of a sudden decided to get aggressive. Well, if the heat is going to be turned on, the sooner the better as most of their recent speeches with the sole exception of Obama Barack seem to be putting me to sleep.
Regarding NAFTA, we all know that it is one agreement that is skewered in no one’s favor and that it is the one agreement that definitely either has to go or needs to be looked into. We also know the roles that both the Clinton’s played as far as this agreement goes and for Hilary to say that the mailers that the Omaba camp sent out was wrong, is laughable. More like that she did not want that to come out now with her nomination in jeopardy and with both Ohio and Texas turning out to be the crucial states.
Whatever happens in both Ohio and Texas, the one thing that most Americans as well as the rest of the world wants is a change for the better. The United States deserves a president who is strong and capable and does not get overly emotional like the way Hilary did. Obama uses Mahatma Gandhi as a role model and that is one hell of a role model to choose. Mahatma Gandhi acted on his words and led an entire nation to freedom; one can only hope that Obama performs as half as good as the Mahatma. As you can see by my post here, I would very much prefer that Obama wins the primaries and ends up winning the election. I just cannot stomach the thought of another Clinton in the White House, now or ever!
Posted by
10:55 AM
Labels: clinton, democrats, elections, free trade agreement, mccain, nafta, ohio, politics, primaries, republicans, texas, united states, world
Friday, February 22, 2008
The care that we need these days!
Often as a result of our work we are not that able to look after our elderly parents/relatives as well as we should. These are the days when we need to work two shifts or take two different jobs so that we an make the ends meet. Sometimes we are so tired when we return from our work that we forget to give the necessary medicines to our elderly parents/relatives. We have all been through that and maybe it is time that we all thought of nursing homes.
Whenever we think of nursing homes, we tend to think of them as nothing more than cash registers, ringing out the bill for us to pay and paying little heed to their patients. Anyway, those days are long gone, especially with a nursing home like this one.
Here, the rates are quite low compared to what the other homes charge and what is more, here they truly care about our relatives. So we would not be getting rid off them but instead we would be making sure that they get the kind of treatment that they truly deserve!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The ID burglars!
Who would have thought that a movie would become a reality and so quickly at that? What am I jabbering about? Well, I am talking about the movie 'The Net' and how true that it has all come about. These days almost every single movie that Hollywood produces seems to involve the ID theft in one way or the other. It has become that prevalent. But not to worry, with Lifelock, one of the top id protection companies, we can kiss such fears goodbye really soon. Just check out their site and their LifeLock Promo Code and you will see why I feel so reassured by them.
This site ensures that no one gets to steal your ID for a tune of one million dollars, believe it or not. They go out of their way to make sure that your id stays with you. And with such theft getting to be more common these days, it is high time that we all took some protection of some kind. This site offers various services for the protection of ones identity and one can utilize their Life Lock Promo Code to avail oneself of a huge discount.
With more and more of our banking/checking accounts becoming available online, getting such a protection would not be such a bad thing after all. I would not like to wake up one day and find out that someone had swiped my ID and had stolen all my money from my bank account. That is a scenario that can happen to anyone and to prevent it from ever happening to you, I suggest that you check out the Life Lock Promotion Code at your earliest!
Obama wows the Global democrats!
The change is fast sweeping the mindsets of the democrat primaries and with Obama winning the global primaries it seems to be a non starter for the likes of Hilary Rodham Clinton. Obama seems to be on the move and both Hilary and McCain are getting a bit antsy where he is concerned. They both seem to be eager to dig up all the dirt that they can get on Obama and it seems that the dirt trail is hitting them instead. I shall cover that later.
For now, Obama is trying to look ahead to the Texas state and hope that the momentum will carry him through in that state as well. The Texas has always been a stronghold for the Clintons but thanks to George Bush and his policies, people may just want a change. The people well remember that the last time a Clinton was in the White House, the United States stood for sex, lies and videotape. So they are not going to be in a hurry to vote another Clinton in and they may well want a change for the better.
The primaries are for the next month and it is a touch and go for Hilary. Most of the media organizations are predicting a dead heat between the two of them and after the next month it will be the war of the Super delegates. I am sure that to the rest of the world this election must seem confusing at the very least, but then again, this is the process and one that we all must have to go through whether we like it
or not!
Posted by
10:13 AM
Labels: barack obama, blog for money, clinton, economics, elections, hilary, policies, politics, united states
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The furniture with a difference!
This is the age of the internet and as such we do most of our shopping online be it for medicines or some thing as common as flowers. So one should not be all that surprised on hearing of the perfect site for discount contemporary furniture.
This is the perfect site to explore ones furniture options, this may also well be the time to throw out that dusty old furniture and get some really contemporary ones.
This site stands out from the rest of the pack in the way that it has been designed and also the price ranges here make this site quite attractive.
This site showcases all that is good in the modern era from sleekness to an aura of simplicity. Just go to the site to check it out and also there are special offers here from time to time. So check this place often and when you come across such offers, make use of it right away!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The online casino mantra!
Money seems to be the go word these days in the Internet, everyone and anyone is on the lookout to make a quick buck. One of the ways that they end up doing exactly that is by playing games at an online casino like this one here.
What makes this site stand out from the rest of the pack, which is a difficult feat considering the number of online casino sites there are, is that you get a welcome bonus of $808 right away.
This site is so neatly designed that no one should have any problems playing any of the casino games that are available here! When it comes to making money more and more members here seem to be doing just that. So if you are in the mood to try your luck playing casino games, then may I suggest that you head for this virtual casino here as it seems to be the 'Lucky one' for so many people!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Obama leads Clinton in Super tuesday!
Well I guess it is too early to say HUZZAH! I for one am glad that Obama barack has taken the lead, a very short lead but a lead nevertheless. It is high time that we all got rid of all the Clinton contenders once and for all.
The entire nation must have been sick to their cores with all the 'lies,sex and videotapes' surrounding the Clintons.
When Hilary turned on the waterworks, that was the clincher. There must have been a few who may have mistaken those tears for actual ones, but I would not put it past her to use a bottle of Glycerin to produce those tears. Anyway, I do not think that we have ever seen anyone so power hungry as the Clintons and now the time has come to say goodbye to them once and for all.
The super tuesday has made it clear that the race is going to be a dead heat and all bets are off. The 'Washington' factor is going to come into play soon and I hope that it says 'Obama' all the way!
Posted by
11:18 PM
Labels: delegates, elections, presidential, senators, united states
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The perfect processor!
These days with geo politics getting shaken and stirred left and right, most of the online shops need that perfect processor to process all the credit card payments that they may receive online. As such, this site offers the perfect solution to all vendors alike and what is more, may even drum up more clientèle for the business.This is indeed that perfect Internet Credit Card Processor.
True, with things changing so fast these days, we may need all the help that we can get so that we can keep pace with our competition. Here with the help of this company your site should be able to accept all credit card payments and what is more, this site also provides for the Acceptance of Visa & Mastercard Best Rates.
There are sites where even if the customers want to purchase an item, their cards would simply not work. And most of the times this is as a result of lousy software. Well, with this site, you would no longer have that problem as they provide some of the best programs in this field. These guys provide some of the best Visa & Mastercard Payment Solutions. So for solutions of the same, come on in!
Posted by
8:13 AM
Labels: payments,
Israel, fuming and angry!
Every time that the militants manage to attack a place or two, there is always a 'knee jerk' reaction from one or the other countries in that region. This is certainly true when it comes to Israel. It seems that all the middle eastern countries in that region from Jordan to Syria seem to embrace Hannibal's rule of 'an eye for an eye' more vigorously than any other civilization has done to date.
The recent attack on Israel by a suicide bomber has left Israel fuming and angry, to say that Israel is itching to get back at the militants would be an understatement. As it is, they have already launched a few Ariel strikes against Palestine and would love to do more. But what most of these countries that take part i such activities is the failure to realize that none of these attacks are doing any of them good.
For one, innocents get killed on both the sides, mothers are left childless,the investors would not want to invest in such a troubled area, the tourists would stop coming,the fuel prices would hike and as it is Israel has already stopped the supply of fuel to certain areas of Palestine.....none of this is good. True, I may have simplified the problem but what I have posted are based on facts and it is already happening!
Israel,palestine,united states,economy,tourists,syria,jordan
Friday, February 1, 2008
The trendy wear coverage!
The days of the big bulky glasses are long gone, say hi to the new look in glasses. the next time that the doctor tells that you would have to wear glasses, well, just make your way to the Zenni Optical $8 Rx Glasses. For one thing, they have the new look and other than that they cost so less that the price ranges will literally take your breath away.
The main reason that the prices are so low here is that these guys manufacture their own frams and then sell them to us with no middleman or any advertising costs in between. So in my opinion this makes them the Best Thing Found: Zenni Optical. With a wide range available for both the men and the women, i wold not be all that surprised if Bono was seen sporting glasses from Great Discovery: Zenni Optical!