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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

U.S army man's body floats down the Euphrates!

Today an U.S army man's body was found floating down the Euphrates river just south of Baghdad.the person in question was found to have been shot on the head and chest.when the officials were asked about this,they denied all of this.about three U.S armymen were kidnapped while they were on thier patrol of baghdad.this person whose body nwas found is thought to be one of them.what really troubles me is the fact that first of all that not one but three army men were kidnapped in Baghdad with such ease.then the case of the officials not saying anything concrete,neither confirming that the dead person is an U.S army man,one of the three who had been kidnapped in Baghdad recently or that the dead person is not an U.S army the top honchos in the U.S army realise the stree and trouble they are putting the families of the three kidnapped soldiers through?do they realise that the three families are right now praying to god that this dead person who was found on the Euphrates is not their son?does the army realise the emotional stress that they are putting the family through?i just hope that all of this confusion is resolved really soon!

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