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Monday, May 14, 2007

Iran threatens to attack U.S!

Iranian president has told the newspapers that if the U.S plans to atack Iran will retaliate and that Iran will and can take care of any invaders.the exact words were once spoken by Saddam hussein during the first iraq war with the United States.the difference here is that the local opinion in Iran seems to hold that the Iranian president can all started with Dick Cheney shooting off his mouth while he was travelling to the persian gulf,that the U.S and its allies will do anything to stop Iran from dominating the middle east.either way all that Dick Cheney seems to have done is racket up the tension even more.
with qa nuclear Iran threatening to retaliate is not the sort of thing one wants to hear while haviong his breakfast.anyway the U.S and Iran are due to meet in Baghdad to discuss Iraq,so lets see how that goes!for my 2 bits,the meeting would probably degereate into a sort of "throw insults and bay like a wolf" sort of meeting.lets hope for the best!

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