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Monday, June 11, 2007

Poland and Romania-prisoners for the CIA!

It is finally out in the the end of a 19 month investigation at last we have some semblance of proof that both Poland and Romania have not only given some support help but have actively participated in this "extreme rendition" for the CIA.they have actively participated in these programs by acting as prisoners for the CIA by housing inmates that the CIA had captured and handed them over to the romanian and polish officials.these officials in turn had imprisoned these inmates for a certain period of time before they were then sent on their way t the U.S mainland.don't get me wrong,i am against terrorism and terrorists.but what about if you were wrongly identified as a terrorist and then taken by force by the CIA and passed on to the romanian and polish officials before being sent to the U.S authorities.imagine if you had to undergo all of that and you are innocent at the same time?this does raise some pivotal questions,does it not?i earnestly hope that the E.U is seriously looking into this!

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