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Friday, June 1, 2007

Lebanon in flames!

Well the strife between the Fatah militants holed up in the palestine refugee camp and the lebanese army seems to have continued onto its 13th day.the end does not seem to be near at all and if anything,it only seems to be very far away.recently a truce was declared between the opposing sides but that truce barely held on for one complete hour!
Things are degenerating fast into a full scale battle.i would not be all that suprised if the lebanese army makes arial attacks on the refugee camps as a preemptive measure.but the question on nearly everyone's mind is what about the refugees?what about the old women and children who are being caught in the middle of this war zone.they came to the refugee camp to be safe and i think that we can all agree that is not happening,not anytime soon anyway!

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