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Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Dalai Lama tells China to stop lying!

It seems that the whole world is watching with baited breath as to what China plans to do next vis-a-vis Tibet. China had accused the Dalai Lama of fomenting trouble in Tibet ahead of the Beijing Olympics so as to cause troubles for the communist government. But with the recent statements emanating from France it is quite obvious that there are no takers to the 'Dalai lama is behind the Tibet violence' story.
The Dalai Lama had come to Delhi to hold a prayer meeting and had asked for all of his friends to unite over the Tibet issue. The Dalai Lama had also told Beijing in no uncertain terms that no one is ready to toe the line that Beijing would like them to toe and that it is high time that Beijing accepted the ground realities of the situation in Tibet. As much as China would like to have the Dalai Lama disappear into thin air, that is not going to happen ever and China must have realized by now that to talk with the Dalai Lama is a much better option than not talking at all. With that in mind, the Chinese government has proposed to talk with the Dalai Lama but under precondition that the Dalai Lama and his followers forsake all violence in Tibet ahead of the Olympics. The next move is all up to the Dalai Lama, let the games begin!

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